


The vertical distance between a firm's ATC and AVC curves represents

A) AFC, which increases as output increases.
B) AFC, which decreases as output increases.
C) marginal costs, which decrease as output decreases.
D) marginal costs, which increase as output increases.

On Jul 06, 2024



A partners' capital statement explains

A) the amount of legal liability of each of the partners.
B) the types of assets invested in the business by each partner.
C) how the partnership will be capitalized if a new partner is admitted to the partnership.
D) the changes in each partner's capital account and in total partnership capital during a period.

On Jul 06, 2024



​An example of moral hazard is

A) ​people drive as carefully in icy conditions with antilock brakes as without
B) people drive as safely with more airbags as without
C) football players with safer helmets 'spear' with their heads more often when tackling 
D) ​people read the medicine warnings as carefully when self-medicating as with a doctor's prescription

On Jun 09, 2024



Interpretation of overall results from studies on task-oriented and relations-oriented behaviors is ________.

A) facilitated by differences in the behavior measures employed
B) made challenging by disparities in the types of criteria used
C) enabled by similarities among the research methods utilized
D) not attempted due to overlap among overall objectives

On Jun 05, 2024



Pesky,Inc.employs numerous sales representatives who attempt to sell the company's products door-to-door.All of the products sold in this manner are designed for use in the home.They range in price from $29.95 to $149.95.Each Pesky sales representative has been instructed to provide customers the address from which warranty information about Pesky's products may be obtained.The sales representatives give customers this address before the sale of any product takes place.The FTC has sued Pesky in federal court,requesting appropriate injunctive relief on the theory that Pesky's practices (as just described)do not comply with the Magnuson-Moss Act and its implementing regulations.Is the FTC's position correct? Explain.

On May 10, 2024

The FTC's position is correct.The Magnuson-Moss Act and its accompanying regulations are applicable because Pesky's products are of the consumer variety and cost more than $15.The pre-sale availability regulations require that prospective buyers in door-to-door sales settings be informed that the sales representative has copies of the seller's warranty for their inspection.These regulations also require warrantors to provide door-to-door sellers with the copies of the warranty that they need to meet the foregoing obligation.On the facts of this problem,Pesky would be both the seller and the warrantor.The practice of merely providing the address from which warranty materials may be obtained is insufficient to satisfy Pesky's duties.


The entrepreneur

A) runs his or her own business and risks his or her own money.
B) does not necessarily run her or his own business nor risks her or his own money.
C) runs his or her own business,but does not necessarily risk his or her own money.
D) does not necessarily run her or his own business,but does risk her or his own money.

On May 06, 2024