


Research settings vary based on the type of research one is conducting.Distinguish between laboratory research and field research.List an advantage and disadvantage of each.

On May 15, 2024

Laboratory research,as the name suggests,refers to research conducted in a laboratory setting,whereas field research refers to studies conducted in the natural environment.Laboratory research typically offers more definitive support for theories than does research conducted in the field.An advantage of laboratory research is that extraneous variables may be controlled to a greater extent than would be possible with field research.A disadvantage is that people typically don't behave how they normally would because they know they are being watched.On the other hand,an advantage of field research is that researchers tend to be more confident that participants' behavior is reflective of their actual behavior and not influenced by variables within the laboratory setting or knowing that they are being observed.A disadvantage,however,is that in field studies,there is normally not much control over unwanted influences as there is in laboratory studies.


Adults who are born blind but later have their vision restored

A) are almost immediately able to recognize familiar objects.
B) typically fail to recognize familiar objects.
C) are unable to follow moving objects with their eyes.
D) have excellent eye-hand coordination.

On May 15, 2024



Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has described our moral intuitions as

A) formal operations.
B) a pruning process.
C) quick gut feelings.
D) postconventional judgments.

On May 15, 2024



Allport suggested seven criteria that demonstrate that a person is psychologically healthy (mature).What are they? Find examples of them in the case.

On May 14, 2024

Allport thought that well-adjusted people:
• Were motivated by conscious (as opposed to unconscious) processes (i.e., they were aware of their behavior and why they behave in the way they do).
• Have an extended sense of self (i.e., they are not self-centered).
• Relate warmly to others.
• Accept themselves for who they are, even their faults.
• Have a realistic perception of the world.
• Have insight and humor.
• Have a unifying philosophy of life (i.e., they have a clear purpose in life).
Monica shows a number of these characteristics. She relates warmly to others, as is suggested by her loyal behavior toward her friends. She accepts herself, even her shortcomings, as evidenced by her ability to laugh at herself (which also exemplifies the criteria of having a sense of humor) and her ability to accept the fact that she sometimes loses her temper with her children. She has a realistic perception of the world: She is described as pragmatic and realizes that her daughter will be affected by her learning disability her whole life. She is motivated by conscious processes, as is indicated by her ability to observe her own behavior and respond to it. For example, she knows she sometimes loses her temper with her children because she is tired. Monica also seems to display an extension of herself: She does not seem self-centered in that she is so supportive of her friends.


The impact of technological developments such as video games,computers,and the Internet are considered

A) nonnormative age-graded influences.
B) normative history-graded influences.
C) normative age-graded influences.
D) nonnormative history-graded influences.

On May 12, 2024