


When you purchase a book on Amazon, you generally have two choices: buy it directly from Amazon or purchase it through Amazon but from a third-party vendor. If you go the direct route, Amazon has already purchased the book from a publisher and is holding it in an Amazon fulfillment center-the interaction between Amazon and the publisher is a ________ transaction. If you take the third-party route, Amazon acts as an agent for the supplier and takes a commission of about 10 percent of the value of the merchandise for the right to sell it on Amazon's platform-the interaction between Amazon and the supplier is a ________ transaction.

A) B2B; B2B
B) B2C; B2C
C) B2C; B2B
D) C2C; B2C
E) B2B; C2C

On May 15, 2024



I try to listen to and be open to ideas from people on the fringe of the organization.What adaptive behavior am I using?

A) protect leadership voices from below
B) regulate distress
C) give the work back to the people
D) maintain disciplined attention

On May 15, 2024



The potential advantages of virtual teams include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) virtual teams bring cost effectiveness to teamwork where members are unable to meet easily face-to-face.
B) virtual teams can bring speed to teamwork where members are unable to meet easily face-to-face.
C) virtual teams bring the power of the computer to bear on typical team needs for information processing and decision making.
D) virtual team members may have very little, if any, direct personal contact.
E) computer mediation focuses interaction and decision making on facts and objective information rather than on emotional considerations.

On May 15, 2024



Accompanying the bank statement was a credit memo for a short-term note collected by the bank for the company. This item is a(n)

A) deduction from the balance per company's records
B) addition to the balance per bank statement
C) deduction from the balance per bank statement
D) addition to the balance per company's records

On May 15, 2024



When computing the break even for a segment, the calculations include the company's common fixed expenses.

On May 15, 2024



With price rationing, those who are both able and willing to pay for a product get it.

On May 14, 2024
