


Explain Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner syndrome in terms of chromosomal abnormalities, reproductive capabilities, and external appearances.

On Jul 01, 2024

Klinefelter's syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality that occurs in males, where they have an extra X chromosome (XXY) instead of the usual XY. This can result in a variety of symptoms, including infertility, reduced muscle mass, gynecomastia (enlarged breasts), and learning disabilities. Reproductive capabilities are typically reduced, as individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome often have low testosterone levels and may require assisted reproductive technologies to father children. In terms of external appearance, individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome may have taller stature, less body hair, and broader hips compared to typical males.

Turner syndrome, on the other hand, is a chromosomal abnormality that occurs in females, where one of the X chromosomes is missing or partially missing. This results in a variety of symptoms, including short stature, infertility, heart defects, and learning disabilities. Reproductive capabilities are typically affected, as individuals with Turner syndrome are often infertile due to ovarian failure. In terms of external appearance, individuals with Turner syndrome may have a webbed neck, low hairline, and a broad chest with widely spaced nipples.

In summary, Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner syndrome are both chromosomal abnormalities that can affect reproductive capabilities and result in distinct external appearances. Individuals with these syndromes may require medical intervention to address their fertility issues and may experience a range of physical and developmental challenges associated with their chromosomal abnormalities.


People with _____ have repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies in response to objects or situations that society deems inappropriate, and they may behave inappropriately as well.

A) paraphilias
B) gender identity disorder
C) cross-sexual arousal disorder
D) abnormal object desire syndrome

On Jul 01, 2024



A researcher designs an experiment by manipulating room temperature (cold, warm, or hot) ; noise level (quiet or loud) ; and room color (pink, blue, or black) . Identify the possible number of main effects.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 8

On Jun 04, 2024



Research has found that those who have experienced abuse as a child may be at an increased risk for developing PTSD if they experience trauma as an adult because of ________,which are organic molecules that attach to chromosomes to turn specific genes on or off.

A) epigenetic marks
B) stimulus generalization
C) the anterior cingulate cortex
D) the amygdala

On Jun 01, 2024



What are the steps in the Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM) of personality judgment?

A) recall/adjustment/manipulation
B) realism/accuracy/manipulation
C) recall/activation/matching/detection
D) relevance/availability/detection/utilization

On May 05, 2024



For the past week Laura has had difficulty falling asleep at night. Even though she goes to bed at her usual time, she lays awake for several hours before she finally drifts off to sleep. It appears that Laura is experiencing

A) narcolepsy.
B) sleep apnoea.
C) insomnia.
D) night terrors.

On May 02, 2024