


Use Table A to complete Table B.
 TABLEA On Taxable Income  The Tax Rate Is  Up to $27,05015.0% From $27,051 to $65,55027.5% From $65,551 to $136,75030.5% From $136,751 to $297,35035.5% Over $297,35039.1%\begin{array}{l}\text { TABLE}{A }\\\begin{array} { | l | l | } \hline \text { On Taxable Income } & \text { The Tax Rate Is } \\\hline \text { Up to } \$ 27,050 & 15.0 \% \\\hline \text { From } \$ 27,051 \text { to } \$ 65,550 & 27.5 \% \\\hline \text { From } \$ 65,551 \text { to } \$ 136,750 & 30.5 \% \\\hline \text { From } \$ 136,751 \text { to } \$ 297,350 & 35.5 \% \\\hline \text { Over } \$ 297,350 & 39.1 \% \\\hline\end{array}\end{array} TABLEA On Taxable Income  Up to $27,050 From $27,051 to $65,550 From $65,551 to $136,750 From $136,751 to $297,350 Over $297,350 The Tax Rate Is 15.0%27.5%30.5%35.5%39.1%  TABLE B  Taxpayer  Income  Tax Amount  Average Tax Rate  John $52,700 Todd $132,500 Glen $237,000 Jake $315,250\begin{array}{l}\text { TABLE B }\\\begin{array} { | l | l | l | l | } \hline \text { Taxpayer } & \text { Income } & \text { Tax Amount } & \text { Average Tax Rate } \\\hline \text { John } & \$ 52,700 & & \\\hline \text { Todd } & \$ 132,500 & & \\\hline \text { Glen } & \$ 237,000 & & \\\hline \text { Jake } & \$ 315,250 & & \\\hline\end{array}\end{array} TABLE B  Taxpayer  John  Todd  Glen  Jake  Income $52,700$132,500$237,000$315,250 Tax Amount  Average Tax Rate 

On Jun 20, 2024

 Taxpayer  Income  Tax Amount  Average Tax Rate  John $52,700$11,111.2521% Todd $132,500$35,064.7526% Glen $237,000$71,949.7530% Jake $315,250$100,372.9032%\begin{array} { | l | l | l | l | } \hline \text { Taxpayer } & \text { Income } & \text { Tax Amount } & \text { Average Tax Rate } \\\hline \text { John } & \$ 52,700 & \$ 11,111.25 & 21 \% \\\hline \text { Todd } & \$ 132,500 & \$ 35,064.75 & 26 \% \\\hline \text { Glen } & \$ 237,000 & \$ 71,949.75 & 30 \% \\\hline \text { Jake } & \$ 315,250 & \$ 100,372.90 & 32 \% \\\hline\end{array} Taxpayer  John  Todd  Glen  Jake  Income $52,700$132,500$237,000$315,250 Tax Amount $11,111.25$35,064.75$71,949.75$100,372.90 Average Tax Rate 21%26%30%32%


A break-even point can be calculated either in units or in dollars of sales.

On Jun 17, 2024



An agency relationship can be created only for a lawful purpose.

On May 21, 2024



Explain what is meant by an agent's fiduciary duty. Give three examples of how that fiduciary duty can be breached.

On May 18, 2024

Some examples from the text include: must disclose information, not take hidden commissions or kickbacks, always act in the principal's best interests, should not take advantage of opportunities that come through the agency position, must disclose any conflicts, can't act for two principals, can't purchase client's property being sold or sell property to principal without prior disclosure of personal interest, and can't operate in competition with the principal.