


In the third categorical imperative the emphasis is that when we act morally we fully choose our own moral decisions as ______.

A) justified individuals
B) autonomous moral agents
C) thinking beings
D) justified moral agents

On Jul 11, 2024



Explain why good writing skills are important. Provide a list of the guidelines for a well-written document.

On Jul 08, 2024

Law is a communications profession. For paralegals, good writing skills go hand in hand with successful job performance. Some of the paralegal's written work, such as correspondence, represents the firm for which the paralegal works. A well-written document is a positive reflection on the firm and upholds the firm's reputation for good work.
Good writing is accomplished by following several guidelines:
• Organize and outline your presentation.
• Choose the proper format for your document.
• Use structural devices to guide the reader through complex discussions.
• Write to your audience.
• Avoid legalese.
• Be brief and to the point.
• Use well-constructed sentences.
• Use effective paragraphs and transitions.
• Avoid pronoun confusion.
• Be alert for sexist language.
• Proofread and revise your document.


Which of the following is true regarding witnesses?

A) A lay witness must have personal knowledge of the matter to be testified to.
B) An expert witness must have the necessary special knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education to testify about the matter to be testified to.
C) Witnesses need to be credible.
D) All of these choices are correct.

On Jun 11, 2024



The____________ is a principle of statutory interpretation that states that if the meaning of a statute is clear on its face, then that meaning is the interpretation the court will give to the statute, and an inquiry into the legislative history will not be undertaken.

A) rule of construction
B) plain-meaning rule
C) previous judicial interpretation rule
D) legislative intent rule

On Jun 08, 2024



Typically, commercial bribes are made to

A) obtain information.
B) cover up an inferior product.
C) secure new business.
D) All of these choices are correct.

On May 12, 2024



What is the best-known weaponized drone?

A) Predator
B) Terminator
C) Cyclops
D) Khan

On May 09, 2024