


A goal of Gestalt therapy is to __________

A) correct irrational beliefs.
B) become more authentic and self-accepting.
C) make progress toward self-actualization.
D) examine early childhood experiences.

On Aug 02, 2024



The normative model for integrating different dimensions of a complex decision is called MAUT.

On Jul 28, 2024



In one study, a group of homeowners was asked if they would put a small sign on their door that said, "BE A SAFE DRIVER." Another group of homeowners was not asked to display this sign. A few weeks later, both groups were asked if a large, poorly lettered sign stating, "DRIVE CAREFULLY," could be displayed in their yard. Most people who had granted the first request were willing to have the larger sign in their yard. In contrast, those who had not received the first request tended to refuse to display the larger sign. This study was about the social influence technique known as the _____.

A) foot-in-the-door technique
B) low-ball technique
C) bait-and-switch technique
D) labeling technique

On Jul 01, 2024



Jerome was held hostage by gunmen along with 30 others in a 5-star hotel.He had witnessed the gunmen shoot other hostages and was denied food and water for two whole days.Since then, Jerome has had trouble sleeping and focusing on his work.Sometimes, Jerome loses track of where he is and feels like he is back at the hotel.These flashback episodes terrify Jerome and disturb his peace of mind.In the context of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, it can be inferred that Jerome shows symptoms suggestive of

A) schizophrenia.
B) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C) post-traumatic stress disorder.
D) social anxiety disorder.

On Jun 28, 2024



Deaf people's enhanced peripheral and motion-detection vision has been attributed in part to

A) auditory hallucinations.
B) lateralization.
C) plasticity.
D) neurogenesis.

On Jun 01, 2024



What values unite feminist psychologists? Why are these values important if we are to have accurate descriptions of women's and men's lives?

On May 29, 2024

Feminist psychologists are united by several core values, including a commitment to challenging traditional gender roles and stereotypes, advocating for gender equality, and recognizing the intersectionality of gender with other social identities such as race, class, and sexual orientation. These values are important for providing accurate descriptions of women's and men's lives because they help to counteract the biases and assumptions that have historically shaped psychological research and theory. By challenging traditional gender roles and stereotypes, feminist psychologists can provide a more nuanced and accurate understanding of the diverse experiences and identities of women and men. Additionally, by advocating for gender equality and recognizing intersectionality, feminist psychologists can ensure that their research and theories are inclusive and representative of the full range of human experiences. Overall, these values are important for promoting a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of women's and men's lives within the field of psychology.