


Why did some North American Indians find the religious ideas of Catholicism and Puritanism attractive?

A) They were intrigued by the concept of the Trinity.
B) The religious ideas of the Jesuits and the Puritans closely resembled the ideas of traditional Indian religions.
C) European religious services included the singing of hymns, which the Indians enjoyed.
D) The Indians thought that the religious ideas of the Europeans could help them cope with the tremendous changes they had to face.

On Jul 11, 2024



Why did it take so long to determine a winner in the presidential election of 2000 and the state of Florida?

On Jul 07, 2024

While the race was a narrow one in Florida and raised questions about who actually won the election, the events in Florida in November 2000 also shed light on the shoddy practices and procedures states used to count votes. Confusing ballot design, faulty voting machines, misleading instructions, all created confusions that required a careful accounting to determine voters' intent.


When President Monroe first proposed the policy of Indian removal to the West, he did so in response to pressure from ______________________.

A) the state of Georgia
B) Christian missionaries
C) the Department of War
D) the Native Americans themselves

On Jun 08, 2024



As secretary of the treasury, Andrew Mellon encouraged Congress to

A) spend on public works projects.
B) run the deficit in times of economic crisis.
C) tax the rich.
D) maintain high tariffs to protect domestic manufacturers.

On Jun 07, 2024



What gains did British women make in the years following the Great War,and what were the limits of those gains?

On Jun 06, 2024

A strong answer would include
-an explanation that women received the right to vote in Britain in 1918,though the right was limited by age and property ownership.
-an explanation of how the Sex Disqualification Act of 1919 opened the way for women to enter professions from which they had previously been excluded.
-a discussion of how women were replaced in many jobs by men returning from war and the percentage of women employed declined in the 1920s.
-an acknowledgment that the use of contraceptive devices was finally legalized in Great Britain in 1930.
-a discussion of how more jobs were opened to women in fields that had previously been restricted to men.