


Theorists who emphasize the heterogeneity of global institutions often focus on the empowerment of transnational organization.

On Jul 26, 2024



What does it mean when an interviewer asks a respondent for their life history?

A) a chronological account of the respondent's life
B) biographical information on the respondent's maternal side
C) detailed accounts of the respondent's early childhood memories
D) a genealogical map of the respondent's family ancestry

On Jul 22, 2024



The term _____ refers to people creating new norms and organizational structures in response to emerging situations.

A) social relativism
B) social movement
C) collective behavior
D) technological innovation

On Jul 17, 2024



Which of the following is not a disadvantage of using surveys to gather data?

A) What people say and what they do may be different.
B) A survey may not be anonymous or confidential enough.
C) Surveys are rigid in their design.
D) Surveys are too subjective in their analyses.

On Jul 14, 2024



According to research conducted by Charles Derber,Americans usually try to turn conversations toward:

A) important topics
B) things they care about
C) themselves
D) others
E) anything other than themselves

On Jun 26, 2024



Find an example of a party or a group organized to exercise power, and then assess whether this organization is seeking to secure the interest of either a social class or a status group.

On Jun 22, 2024

-The two major political parties (which students tend to gravitate to) are difficult to apply this schema to as they tend to be rather diverse; however, special interests groups are usually focused on either economic issues (Chamber of Commerce) or an issue that can be tied to status (Sierra Club, NAACP)


Why might surveys, rather than a more direct form of communication like interviews, be more appropriate when asking high school students about sensitive subjects like drug use or sexual health?

A) Surveys allow respondents to speak in their own words and can reveal respondents' thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
B) Surveys allow researchers to ask much more complex questions than they could with any other methodology.
C) Surveys allow students to answer the questions in private and ensure the confidentiality of their responses.
D) Surveys are more expensive and allow for larger staffs and budgets.

On Jun 17, 2024



Which of the following statements about the functions of love is FALSE?

A) Love ensures the survival of the species.
B) Love guarantees we will live a very long life.
C) Love fosters self-esteem.
D) Love is enjoyable and can be exciting.

On Jun 14, 2024



Construct a sociological explanation about a well-known subculture of your choosing.

On May 27, 2024

One well-known subculture that can be explained sociologically is the punk subculture. The punk subculture emerged in the 1970s as a response to the social and political climate of the time. Sociologically, the punk subculture can be understood as a form of resistance and rebellion against mainstream society and its norms.

Punks often reject traditional societal values and norms, instead embracing anti-establishment attitudes and DIY (do-it-yourself) ethics. This can be seen as a reaction to the perceived failures of mainstream society to address issues such as inequality, injustice, and political corruption. Punks often express their dissatisfaction with the status quo through their music, fashion, and lifestyle choices.

From a sociological perspective, the punk subculture can also be seen as a way for individuals to form a sense of belonging and identity within a marginalized group. Punks often create their own communities and support networks, providing a sense of solidarity and belonging for those who may feel alienated from mainstream society.

Additionally, the punk subculture can be understood as a form of cultural resistance, challenging dominant cultural narratives and norms. Punks often use their music, art, and fashion to challenge societal expectations and push boundaries, creating a space for alternative forms of expression and identity.

In conclusion, the punk subculture can be explained sociologically as a form of resistance, rebellion, and cultural expression. It provides a space for individuals to challenge mainstream societal norms and create their own sense of identity and belonging within a marginalized group.


Globalization proceeds through periods of acceleration and deceleration.

On May 23, 2024
