Siti Nor Kamelia Mohd Hadi




Retroactive interference, as used in the study of memory, refers to when _________.

A) older information already in memory interferes with the retrieval of newer information
B) newer information interferes with the retrieval of older information
C) information is not attended to and fails to be encoded
D) information that is not accessed decays from the storage system over time

On Jul 21, 2024



According to the text, which three personality types are the MOST replicable?

A) well-adjusted/undercontrolled/overcontrolled
B) Type A/Type B/Type D
C) introvert/extravert/thinker
D) resilient/controlled/anomic

On Jul 18, 2024



In middle childhood,children tend to choose friends who share the same sex,race,and economic background.

On Jun 21, 2024



The recent death of his father has sharpened Matthew's sense of mortality.As a result,he

A) has developed a greater appreciation of the value of his personal friendships.
B) has started far more arguments than usual with his wife.
C) feels the freedom to stop seeing people he never really liked that well.
D) is even more motivated to ignore the issues that he has with his own adult children.

On Jun 18, 2024



Imagine that the personality traits of openness and extraversion are positively correlated.Andrea just took two tests that measure openness and extraversion,respectively.If Andrea's score in openness is extremely low,what would you predict about her extraversion score

A)  She would most likely score at the low end of the extraversion scale. 
B)  It is impossible to predict how she is likely to score on the extraversion scale without more information. 
C)  Her extraversion score would be corrected based on her openness score. 
D)  She would most likely score around the mean of the extraversion scale.

On May 22, 2024



You see an advertisement for a method of learning a foreign language that seems simple-just put on a tape and fall asleep. The accompanying description cites proof that people can learn while asleep. Being a good psychological detective, what question would you ask about the offered proof?

A) Did the individuals actually dream about the foreign language?
B) What did the EEG indicate about the participants' level of sleep?
C) Did the researchers use only long sleepers who would spend more time with the tapes?
D) Were study breaks included in the tape to provide greater comprehension of the material?

On May 19, 2024