Sivakumar Chellapan




A media that is leaner would be used for what types of messages?

A) Non-routine or complex messages
B) Messages that transfer simple information
C) Messages that attempt to humanize your presence
D) Messages that communicate caring
E) Messages to gain commitment

On Jul 26, 2024



The national debt is now about

A) $700 million.
B) $9 trillion.
C) $900 billion.
D) $12 trillion.
E) $90 trillion.

On Jul 24, 2024



Provide a definition of a joint venture.

On Jun 25, 2024

An agreement between firms to create a separate, co-owned entity established to pursue a joint goal.


A partnership is a business organized as a separate legal entity.

On Jun 24, 2024



Provide an example of how products help consumers with goal fulfillment.

On May 26, 2024

Examples may vary.
An example of how products help consumers with motivation and goal fulfillment is the Nike+. This product designed by Nike helps people who are motivated to lose weight keep track of their caloric intake, outtake, and how many kilometres they have jogged.


Using examples,describe the following factors' influence on crowding: attributions,intensity (density-intensity),controllability,and interference.

On May 25, 2024

Crowding can be influenced by several factors, including attributions, intensity (density-intensity), controllability, and interference.

Attributions refer to the perceived causes of crowding. For example, if a crowded space is attributed to a popular event or attraction, people may be more tolerant of the crowding because they understand the reason behind it. On the other hand, if the crowding is attributed to poor planning or management, people may feel more frustrated and stressed by the situation.

Intensity, or density-intensity, refers to the number of people in a given space. The higher the density of people in a space, the more crowded it will feel. For example, a packed concert venue will feel more crowded than a sparsely populated park, even if the actual physical space is the same.

Controllability refers to the perceived ability to control or change the crowded situation. If people feel that they have some control over the crowding, such as being able to move to a less crowded area, they may feel less stressed by the situation. However, if the crowding is perceived as uncontrollable, such as being stuck in a crowded subway car with no way to escape, people may feel more anxious and overwhelmed.

Interference refers to the extent to which crowding hinders people's ability to perform tasks or activities. For example, in a crowded shopping mall, people may have difficulty navigating through the crowds to reach stores or find parking, leading to frustration and stress.

In conclusion, attributions, intensity, controllability, and interference all play a role in influencing the experience of crowding. Understanding these factors can help in managing and mitigating the negative effects of crowding in various environments.