


What is the approximate rate of occurrence of males who have an extra Y chromosome, resulting in the configuration XYY?

A) Zero, because this disorder affects females only
B) One in 50 to 70
C) One in 700 to 1,000
D) One in 3

On Aug 01, 2024



Which of the following is NOT a physiological change associated with emotion?

A) adrenalin secretion
B) saliva secretion
C) increased perspiration
D) increased breathing

On Jul 06, 2024



Robert Selman described five stages in children's changing concepts of friendship. In which stage do children view friends as doing things for one another, but the focus remains on self-interest?

A) Autonomous interdependence
B) Momentary physical interaction
C) One-way assistance
D) Fair-weather cooperation

On Jul 02, 2024



Dr. Chalmette injects estrogen into the hypothalamus of a spayed female cat and testosterone into the hypothalamus of a castrated male cat. What will Dr. Chalmette observe?

A) Neither cat's behavior will change.
B) The female cat will enter estrus, and the male cat will resume normal male sexual behavior.
C) The female cat will enter estrus, but the male's behavior will not change.
D) The female's behavior will not change, but the male cat will resume normal sexual behavior.

On Jun 06, 2024



A person's appearance,behavior,and brain and body functions combine to form the _____.

On Jun 02, 2024



Explain the seasons of life described by psychologist Daniel Levinson.

On May 06, 2024

Answers will vary. Psychologist Daniel Levinson, who had worked with Erik Erikson at Harvard University, and his colleagues published an influential book on development called Seasons of a Man's Life. Levinson followed it with Seasons of a Woman's Life. These books explained Levinson's view, compatible with Erikson's, that adults go through certain periods of life, which Levinson dubbed seasons, in which their progress and psychological wellbeing are shaped by common social and physical demands and crises-the development of relationships, rearing children, establishing and developing a career, and coming to terms with successes and failures. At any given moment, the underlying pattern of a person's life is his or her life structure. One's religion, race, and socioeconomic status also influence his or her life structure and life satisfaction. Many young adults also adopt what Levinson calls "the dream"-the drive to become someone, to leave one's mark on history-which serves as a tentative blueprint for life. Levinson found that women undergo somewhat similar developments, but experience more social constraints, both from their families of origin and society in general. Thus it may take women longer to leave home, and there may be more pressure on them to go from one home (their parents') to another (their husbands'). Levinson labeled the ages of 28 to 33 the age-30 transition. For men and women, he found that the late 20s and early 30s are commonly characterized by reassessment: "Where is my life going?" "Why am I doing this?" Levinson and his colleagues also found that the later 30s are often characterized by settling down or planting roots. At this time, many people feel a need to make a financial and emotional investment in their homes. Their concerns become focused on promotion or tenure, career advancement, mortgages, and, in many or most cases, raising their own families.


Which of the following would be true if the number of hours students spend watching T.V. is negatively correlated with their grades in school?

A) Students who watch less T.V. would have the higher grades.
B) Students who watch more T.V. would have the higher grades.
C) T.V. viewing would not be related to grades in any systematic way.
D) T.V. viewing would be the independent variable in the study.

On May 03, 2024



When the Virginia Military Institute and South Carolina's Citadel went to court to prove that women should not be permitted admission, they claimed that psychological research had proven women to be weaker, more emotional, and unable to compete with men. Feminist psychologists protested that

A) the witnesses had utilized research that was nearly a century old.
B) although differences were true, women should still be given a chance at the taxpayer-supported school.
C) witnesses had misrepresented and misused psychological research on gender differences.
D) women should operate at these schools using a "handicap," as golfers do.

On Apr 30, 2024



The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model.

A) sociocultural
B) biological
C) cognitive
D) demonological

On Apr 26, 2024