


What is a downside to agreeableness?

A) People might take advantage of a person who is high in agreeableness.
B) People who are high in agreeableness are lonelier.
C) People who are high in agreeableness are more cautious.
D) Other people do not like someone who is high in agreeableness.

On Jul 12, 2024



What are dreams and what is known about the significance of their content?

On Jul 11, 2024

Dreams are conventionally defined as mental experiences during REM sleep that are often based in vivid imagery, have a story-like quality, are often bizarre, and seem real to the dreamer. Many recent theorists have, however, questioned almost every aspect of this definition. We know now that people dream in non-REM too, although the dreams are less story-like and vivid in imagery. Also, recent research shows that content is usually not bizarre, and that dreamers are often aware that they are dreaming. Thus, the scientific conceptualisation of dreaming is changing.
Research shows that the content of dreams is usually familiar. Common themes in dreams include things like falling, being pursued, trying repeatedly to do something, school, sex, being late, eating, and being frightened, etc.


Which of the following statements is true of common couples violence?

A) The male perpetrator feels that he owns his woman and is entitled to control her by any means.
B) It occurs fairly often in a relationship and always escalates over time.
C) Women and men both report inflicting violence on their partners about equally often.
D) It is entirely gender-neutral in heterosexual couples.

On Jun 11, 2024



It has been stated that women are better at decoding emotions than men are. What does it mean to say this is not merely a sex difference?

On Jun 10, 2024

When it is stated that women are better at decoding emotions than men and that this is not merely a sex difference, it implies that the observed disparity in emotional decoding skills goes beyond biological or physiological differences between the sexes. This suggests that other factors, such as socialization, cultural expectations, and learned behavior, play a significant role in shaping the ability to interpret emotions.

To elaborate, the term "sex difference" typically refers to distinctions that are rooted in biological or physical characteristics inherent to males or females. However, when we say that the difference in emotional decoding is not merely a sex difference, we are acknowledging that the variance cannot be fully explained by biological factors alone.

Several key points support this perspective:

1. **Socialization**: From a young age, individuals are socialized differently based on their gender. Girls are often encouraged to be more emotionally expressive and nurturing, while boys may be taught to be more stoic and less emotionally open. This socialization process can lead to women developing more refined skills in recognizing and interpreting emotional cues.

2. **Cultural Expectations**: Cultural norms often dictate that women should be more attuned to others' feelings and be the caretakers in relationships. These expectations can lead women to practice and enhance their emotional decoding skills more than men.

3. **Learned Behavior**: Emotional intelligence can be developed through learning and experience. Since women may be more likely to engage in activities or professions that require emotional labor (such as nursing, teaching, or caregiving), they might have more opportunities to practice and improve these skills.

4. **Reinforcement and Feedback**: Women may receive more positive reinforcement for displaying emotional sensitivity, which can encourage the further development of these skills. Conversely, men might receive less feedback or even negative feedback for showing emotional sensitivity, which could discourage the cultivation of such skills.

5. **Neurological and Hormonal Influences**: While there are biological aspects to emotion processing, such as the role of hormones like estrogen and testosterone, these influences interact with environmental and social factors to shape emotional abilities. Thus, the biological component is not the sole determinant of skill differences.

In summary, stating that the difference in emotional decoding between women and men is not merely a sex difference acknowledges the complex interplay of biological, social, and environmental factors that contribute to the development of emotional intelligence. It recognizes that while there may be some inherent biological predispositions, much of the disparity is likely due to the different experiences and expectations placed upon individuals based on their gender.


Given that so many women around the world experience symptoms of depression with perinatal onset, even when their life experiences and levels of social support are radically different, leads researchers to focus on the causes of such issues.

A) physiological
B) psychological
C) emotional
D) environmental

On May 12, 2024



We tend to live among people who are similar to us in background, and we therefore come into contact with them more often. This reflects __________.

A) propinquity
B) recency
C) behavior
D) catharsis

On May 11, 2024



The nervous system is made up of nerve cells called "_____."

On May 10, 2024
