


A reduction in the required reserve ratio would cause the interest rates to

A) increase only if the level of investment is low relative to historic levels.
B) decrease.
C) increase.
D) increase only if the level of unemployment is high.
E) remain the same.

On Jul 29, 2024



While taking a physical inventory, a company counts its inventory as less than the actual amount on hand. How will this error affect the income statement?

On Jul 15, 2024

Net income will be understated.


In the context of the three tools of rhetoric as identified by Aristotle, pathos is

A) argument by character.
B) based in mental reasoning.
C) argument by logic.
D) based in the emotions of the audience.

On Jun 29, 2024



As a result of time and experience we tend to see that applications that start as one-time 'experiments' often morph into more long-term and carefully thought-out elements that the organization integrates with all the other communication pieces it uses to reach customers.Which of the following is this an example of?

A) Social media marketing transition.
B) Social media marketing maturity.
C) Social media marketing independence.
D) Social media marketing integration.
E) None of these.

On Jun 14, 2024



The expected average rate of return for a proposed investment of $4,800,000 in a fixed asset, using straight-line depreciation, with a useful life of 20 years, no residual value, and an expected total net income of $10,560,000 over the 20 years is

A) 24%
B) 22%
C) 45%
D) 10%

On Jun 04, 2024



Juanita has just been asked to head a cross-functional team at work, assuming a directive role. Members of her team exhibit various behaviors: Tom speaks long and often, Robert tries to keep tensions low, Jim is never prepared, Monica constantly complains, and Kumar tries to make sure everyone is heard. As they meet the first couple of times, Robert and Kumar push to develop strategies to achieve their goals.
Discuss the various negative and positive roles found in the group. In what ways can the negative roles be diminished? At what stage of team development are Robert and Kumar operating, and what stages should the team go through before strategies are developed?

On May 29, 2024

Answers will vary. The following roles are represented in the team:
a. Positive group roles:
i. Juanita-leader
ii. Robert-harmonizer
iii. Kumar-facilitator
b. Negative group roles:
i. Tom-dominator
ii. Jim-airhead
iii. Monica-detractor
Negative roles are extinguished as a group communicates openly about its goals, strategies, and expectations.
Robert and Kumar seem to be at the norming stage as they are involved in developing strategies and activities that promote goal achievement. The team could benefit by first spending time forming (becoming acquainted with each other and the assigned task) and storming (dealing with conflicting personalities and ideas). The team could then more effectively develop strategies to accomplish its tasks and more likely reach its optimal performance level.