


_____ are small and intimate; _____are larger and short lived.

A) Primary groups; secondary groups
B) Secondary groups; primary groups
C) Triads; dyads
D) Categories; secondary groups

On May 24, 2024



The list of all the people in a population of interest is called a:

A) voluntary response sample
B) representative sample
C) full population
D) sampling frame
E) probability sample

On May 23, 2024



Is the Canadian family in decline? Why or why not?

On May 21, 2024

The Canadian family is not necessarily in decline, but it is evolving. Traditional family structures may be changing, but that does not mean that families are any less important or strong. There are many factors contributing to this evolution, such as changing social norms, economic pressures, and cultural diversity.

One reason for the perception of decline is the decrease in the number of traditional nuclear families, with married parents and children, and an increase in non-traditional family structures, such as single-parent households, blended families, and same-sex parent families. However, these diverse family structures are not inherently weaker or less valuable than traditional ones.

Additionally, the role of women in the workforce has changed, leading to a shift in family dynamics. More women are pursuing careers and contributing to the household income, which has led to changes in how families are structured and function.

Furthermore, economic factors such as the rising cost of living and housing, as well as the need for dual incomes, have impacted family dynamics. These economic pressures can affect the ability of families to spend time together and may influence decisions about family size.

Cultural diversity also plays a role in the evolution of the Canadian family. Canada is home to a wide range of cultural and ethnic groups, each with its own family traditions and values. This diversity contributes to the changing landscape of Canadian families.

In conclusion, while the traditional nuclear family may not be as prevalent as it once was, the Canadian family is not in decline. It is simply evolving to reflect the changing social, economic, and cultural landscape of the country. Families continue to be a fundamental and important part of Canadian society, regardless of their structure or composition.


Which historical event shocked American public policy and caused major shifts in voting patterns?

A) Industrial unrest in the 1890s
B) The Great Depression
C) The economic crisis of the 1970s
D) All of the above.
E) None of the above.

On May 19, 2024



According to Thomas Malthus,because the food supply increases geometrically,a population will always have enough to eat.

On May 18, 2024
