


Long-term memory

A) focus on important elements of a problem
B) relating new material to well-known material
C) information is maintained for only a fraction of a second
D) focus simultaneously on multiple aspects of a problem
E) awareness of and control of cognitive abilities
F) cluster of related items
G) descriptive of Sternberg's view of three intelligences
H) moral acts conform to authority or to the rules of the game
I) awareness of the functioning of one's memory
J) encoding based upon meaning
K) capable of relatively permanent storage of information
L) intellectual level of functioning
M) placing objects in order
N) genetic disorder related to intellectual disability
O) academic ability
P) transforming sensory input into a readily useable form
Q) using divergent thinking
R) physical number of years of age
S) street smarts
T) recognition that processes can be undone

On Jul 15, 2024



Someone who believes that abnormal psychological functioning has physical causes is said to have a _____ perspective.

A) psychogenic
B) somatogenic
C) psychotropic
D) moral

On Jul 11, 2024



When Ellen learns that her roommate will be an international student from Britain, she is worried that her roommate will be stiff and reserved.Ellen is surprised when
Diana turns out to be upbeat and friendly.Diana's behavior goes against Ellen's beliefs
About how people from Britain express emotions and has violated her

A) ability to read facial expressions.
B) cultural display rules.
C) affect-as-information theory.
D) emotional judgment.

On Jun 14, 2024



Some statistics tell us how many members of one class (S) belong to each of a number of other classes (such as P, Q, and R) .These statistics are called:

A) spreadsheets
B) distributions
C) scatter totals
D) pigeonhole tallies
E) arrays

On Jun 11, 2024



Sarah's mother, Stephanie, was not at home much when Sarah was very young, so Sarah's 12-year-old brother took care of her most of the time.Now that Sarah is approaching adulthood, she chain-smokes and drinks alcohol excessively.She has a difficult time forming close relationships since she is very jealous and never believes anyone really loves her.Sarah most likely had difficulty in which psychosexual stage of development according to Freudian theory?

A) Oral
B) Anal
C) Latent
D) Phallic

On May 15, 2024



Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the textbook as one of the indicators of an infant's ability to process information?

A) Habituation/dishabituation
B) Visual preference
C) Cross-modal transfer
D) Auditory preferences

On May 12, 2024



Describe the symptoms that indicate that Malik is experiencing depression.How could Seligman explain Malik's depression?

On May 11, 2024

Depression has emotional, behavioral, physical, and cognitive symptoms.Malik is showing a number of different types of symptoms.He certainly is sad about Kiara's illness and this is demonstrated by his crying episodes.Malik's weight loss and difficulty eating and sleeping are physical symptoms of depression.Malik's negativity and his thoughts that Kiara is dying and that he can do nothing to save her are cognitive symptoms.Seligman defines depression as the ultimate learned helplessness.The symptoms that people have when they are depressed are similar to the symptoms people have when they experience learned helplessness, especially their cognitive processes.According to Seligman's theory, Malik's sense of having no control over Kiara's illness is creating his depression.