


Self-actualized people,as described by Maslow,are LEAST likely to be highly

A) compassionate.
B) religious.
C) conforming.
D) self-accepting.

On Aug 05, 2024



Behavior contracting itself can be implemented with minimal or no cost to the counselor or agency.

On Jul 31, 2024



Willie is on the bus with his classmates.Who is most likely to be diagnosed with psychopathology based on the criteria that his or her behavior impairs good daily functioning?

A) Jemima,who plays loud music on her cell phone even though it is against the rules
B) Marvin,who gets sad if he cannot sit behind the bus driver
C) Elizabeth,who must walk up and down the bus steps 10 times before getting on
D) Bruce,who prefers to look out the window instead of talking to his seatmate

On Jul 06, 2024



Jung believed the full realization of the self lies in

A) the future.
B) the past.
C) the present.
D) early childhood experiences.

On Jul 01, 2024



When children are immunized,they contribute to the protection of others.This is referred to as:

A) community immunity.
B) vaccinating.
C) herd immunity.
D) failure to thrive.

On Jun 05, 2024



The results of Skeels' study showed that ________.

A) IQs of adults could be improved by letting them associate with children
B) IQs of orphans could be improved by letting them associate with severely retarded adults
C) there is no way to improve the IQs of children in institutions
D) all infant orphans become mentally retarded

On Jun 01, 2024



What is the difference between physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect? What are the child outcomes related to child maltreatment?

On May 06, 2024

According to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, child abuse, also known as child maltreatment, is any intentional harm to a minor (an individual under 18 years of age), including actions that harm the child physically, emotionally, sexually, and through neglect. Many children experience more than one form of abuse.
Physical abuse refers to any intentional physical injury to the child, and can include striking, kicking, burning, or biting the child, or any other action that results in a physical impairment of the child.
Sexual abuse, more common among older children, refers to engaging in any sexual activity, coerced or persuaded, with a child. It also includes inappropriate touching or comments.
Neglect occurs when a child is deprived of adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care.
The physical effects of physical maltreatment are immediate, ranging from bruises to broken bones to internal bleeding and more. Some physical effects are long lasting. Child abuse can impair brain development and functioning through physical damage, such as that caused by shaking an infant. Physical harm and prolonged stress can alter the course of brain development, increasing the child's risk for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), emotional regulation problems, conduct disorder, and learning and memory difficulties.
Maltreated children may display symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), an anxiety disorder that occurs after experiencing a traumatic event and includes flashbacks, nightmares, and feelings of helplessness.
It follows that child maltreatment and its neurological and emotional consequences may negatively affect cognitive development. Preschool children who are abused score lower on measures of school readiness and problem solving. Children who are abused experience difficulty understanding and completing day-to-day schoolwork and demonstrate serious learning difficulties, often resulting in academic failure. Teachers report maltreated children as inattentive, uninvolved, passive, and angry, as well as lacking in creativity, initiative, persistence, and confidence.
The socioemotional effects of child maltreatment are especially daunting and long lasting. Young children who are abused tend to have poor coping skills, low self-esteem, and difficulty regulating their emotions and impulses, and to show more negative affect, such as anger and frustration, and less positive affect than other children. They tend to have difficulty understanding their own and other people's emotions and often have difficulty making and maintaining friendships.
Children and adolescents who are abused also are at risk for a range of psychological disorders. These include anxiety, eating, and depressive disorders as well as behavioral problems in adolescence, such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, illicit drug use, and risk behavior.


An overabundance of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine is most likely to be associated with

A) a manic episode.
B) major depressive disorder.
C) learned helplessness.
D) rumination.

On May 02, 2024



Researchers looking at the effects of screen time on infant development have found that the crucial factor for intellectual growth seems to be caregiver responses to the individual child,_____.

On Apr 28, 2024

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