


A male patient states, "I'm such a loser. I only had that job for a month." Which outcome criteria will the nurse add to the patient's care plan?

A) The patient will verbalize two life areas in which he functions well.
B) The patient will find new employment before the next clinic visit.
C) The patient will confront a former boss about previous work problems.
D) The patient will identify two reasons why he is considered a bad employee.

On Sep 29, 2024



A nurse is assessing the ability to learn of a patient who has recently experienced a stroke. Which question/statement will best assess the patient's ability to learn?

A) "What do you want to know about strokes?"
B) "Please read this handout and tell me what it means."
C) "Do you feel strong enough to perform the tasks I will teach you?"
D) "On a scale from 1 to 10, tell me where you rank your desire to learn."

On Sep 28, 2024



An adult tells the nurse, "My partner abuses me only when drinking. The drinking has increased lately, but I always get an apology afterward and a box of candy. I've considered leaving but haven't been able to bring myself to actually do it." Which phase in the cycle of violence prevents the patient from leaving?

A) Tension building
B) Acute battering
C) Honeymoon
D) Recovery

On Sep 24, 2024



A patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder begins selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant therapy. Priority information given to the patient and family should include a directive to:

A) avoid exposure to bright sunlight.
B) report increased suicidal thoughts.
C) restrict sodium intake to 1 g daily.
D) maintain a tyramine-free diet.

On Sep 22, 2024