


Which types of attitudes are the strongest and the most resistant to change?

A) attitudes that are adopted from others
B) attitudes that are attained vicariously
C) attitudes that are observed in others
D) attitudes that are formed through direct experience

On Jul 29, 2024



In the Milgram experiment on obedience, the dependent variable was the:

A) learner's
B) intensity of shock delivered.
C) learner's screams of pain.
D) number of mistakes made by the learner.

On Jul 26, 2024



Define terminal drop and how it relates to predicting death.

On Jun 29, 2024

Terminal drop refers to a sudden and significant decline in physical, cognitive, and/or functional abilities that often occurs in the weeks or months leading up to death. This decline can manifest as a decrease in mobility, appetite, communication, and overall energy levels. Terminal drop is often seen in elderly individuals or those with serious illnesses, and it is considered a common phenomenon in the end-of-life process.

In terms of predicting death, terminal drop can serve as a warning sign that an individual may be approaching the end of their life. While not everyone who experiences a terminal drop will pass away imminently, it can be a strong indicator that the person's health is deteriorating rapidly. Healthcare professionals and caregivers may use the occurrence of terminal drop to initiate discussions about end-of-life care and to ensure that the individual's wishes and needs are being met as they approach the end of life.

It's important to note that while terminal drop can be a useful tool for predicting death, it is not a definitive indicator, and each person's end-of-life journey is unique. However, recognizing and understanding terminal drop can help facilitate important conversations and ensure that individuals receive the appropriate support and care during this challenging time.


Discuss the nasal preferences of neonates.

On Jun 26, 2024

Answers will vary. Neonates can discriminate distinct odors, such as those of onions and licorice. They show more rapid breathing patterns and increased bodily movement in response to powerful odors. They also turn away from unpleasant odors, such as ammonia and vinegar, as early as the first day after birth. The nasal preferences of neonates are similar to those of older children and adults.


Laden has a memory of getting a teddy bear at a childhood birthday party.However, she cannot remember who gave it to her or at which birthday she received it.Laden
Is experiencing

A) cryptomnesia.
B) misattribution.
C) retrograde amnesia.
D) anterograde amnesia.

On May 30, 2024



Many psychologists identify six emotions as basic (happy, sad, angry, frightened, disgusted, surprised) . One type of evidence they cite in favor of this belief is that

A) people throughout the world can pair these labels with the corresponding facial expressions.
B) most human languages have six and only six words referring to emotions.
C) each of those emotions is associated with activity of a different neurotransmitter.
D) reconstructions of the probable life of early humans lead to a theoretical prediction that we should have six emotions.

On May 27, 2024



Jerry gets a great deal of fulfillment out of visiting the new art exhibits at the museum in town. He usually visits each exhibit several times during a show and finds beauty in a variety of different types of art works. Jerry is likely to visit the new exhibits in an effort to meet a(n) ________ need.

A) freedom
B) belonging
C) power
D) aesthetic

On Apr 30, 2024



Based on Freud's stages of psychosexual development, toilet training that is too strict may result in fixation in the __________ stage.

A) oral
B) phallic
C) anal
D) pampers

On Apr 27, 2024