


Current estimates indicate the extent of addiction disorders,with the exclusion of tobacco addiction,involve approximately 32 million Americans.

On Jul 13, 2024



A study that uses both manipulated and measured variables in a factorial design is called a(n) _____ design.

A) mixed repeated measures and independent groups
B) IV × PV
C) 2 × 2
D) multiple correlation

On Jul 09, 2024



Since the mid-20th century, Western culture's expectations for the timing of developmental milestones of adulthood have become ______.

A) more age conscious
B) more congruent
C) less age conscious
D) less flexible

On Jun 13, 2024



Maxine Hong Kingston's book entitled The Story of Maxine Hong Kingston,Bridging Cultural Worlds,shows that she wants to guide people in how to find meaning in their lives,especially by exploring their cultural backgrounds.Her book is about

A) Chinese ancestry.
B) the struggle of immigrants.
C) her parents' struggles to adapt to American culture.
D) All of these.

On Jun 09, 2024



Erica saw her old boyfriend and her heart began to race. According to cognitive arousal theory, is she happy to see him or frightened of him?

A) She is frightened because her emotional reaction came before her heart began to race.
B) You cannot tell because she is not displaying a basic emotion.
C) It depends on how she interprets the situation.
D) She must be frightened because her heart began to race before she reacted emotionally.

On May 14, 2024



Explain why researchers need to be mindful that they are not only responsible to their participants but also to society at large.

On May 10, 2024

Researchers are responsible not only to their participants but also to society at large. In reporting results, researchers should be mindful of the social and political implications of their work. Researchers must consider how their findings will be portrayed in the media, attempt to foresee ways in which their results may be misinterpreted, and correct any misinterpretations that occur. For example, one highly publicized study compiled the existing research literature examining college students who had become sexually involved with an adult prior to reaching the legal age of consent. After compiling the results of many research studies, the scientists determined that young people's coping and development varied depending on a number of factors within the individual, situation, and broader context; not all the young people appeared to be harmed and those who were older when the relationship began often appeared well-adjusted. These findings were misinterpreted by some organizations, media outlets, and politicians as suggesting that sexual involvement with minors was acceptable or even beneficial-clearly not the researchers' conclusions.


Discuss how Freud discovered the unconscious, including his use of hypnosis and free association to get at unconscious material. Describe the relationship between the topographical model and the structural model Freud proposed.

On May 09, 2024

Sigmund Freud's discovery of the unconscious was a significant development in the field of psychology. Freud initially began his exploration of the unconscious through the use of hypnosis. He observed that during hypnosis, patients would often reveal repressed memories and emotions that they were not consciously aware of. This led Freud to believe that there was a part of the mind that operated outside of conscious awareness, which he termed the unconscious.

Freud also developed the technique of free association, where patients would say whatever came to mind without censoring their thoughts. Through this method, Freud believed that he could access the unconscious material that was influencing the patient's thoughts and behaviors. By analyzing the content of these free associations, Freud was able to uncover unconscious conflicts, desires, and fears that were impacting the individual's mental well-being.

Freud's topographical model of the mind proposed that the mind was divided into three levels: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious. The conscious mind contained thoughts and perceptions that were currently in awareness, while the preconscious held thoughts and memories that could be easily brought into consciousness. The unconscious, according to Freud, contained repressed memories, desires, and instincts that were not accessible to conscious awareness.

In contrast, Freud's structural model of the mind proposed that the mind was divided into three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id represented the instinctual drives and desires, the ego was the rational and conscious part of the mind, and the superego represented the internalized moral standards and values. Freud believed that the interactions between these three components influenced an individual's thoughts, behaviors, and personality.

Overall, Freud's discovery of the unconscious and his development of techniques such as hypnosis and free association were pivotal in shaping the field of psychology. His topographical and structural models provided a framework for understanding the complexities of the human mind and the interplay between conscious and unconscious processes.