


Which term refers to widely shared customs,beliefs,values,and norms

A)  ethnicity 
B)  sociohistoric context 
C)  culture 
D)  psychometrics

On Jul 16, 2024



Complete the following analogy: Id is to pleasure principle as ____________.

A)  superego is to repetition principle 
B)  superego is to desire 
C)  ego is to reality principle 
D)  ego is to executive principle

On Jul 12, 2024



Describe the characteristics of a person disposed toward being analytical.

On Jun 16, 2024

A person who is analytical is habitually alert to potential problems and vigilant in anticipating consequences and trying to foresee short-term and long-term outcomes of events, decisions, and actions. Another word to describe this habit of mind might be foresightful.


In the classification system of the world's major religions developed by Weber,which of the following was not one of the major orientations by which people view the world and their place in it?

A) Other people
B) Nature
C) The Body
D) Dreams

On Jun 12, 2024



Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

A) hallucinations
B) speaking in word salad
C) paranoid delusions
D) flat affect

On May 16, 2024



Your employer is concerned with employee morale.They administered a survey that asked employees to report the department they work in, how many hours a week they work, how long they've been at the company, and how happy they are in their position.First, form a causal hypothesis that could be tested with this data.Identify the dependent and independent variable.Next, identify a threat to the internal validity of this study and one possibility for addressing this threat.

On May 13, 2024

My hypothesis is that the more hours an employee works, the less happy the person is in her position.The independent variable is the number of hours employees work a week.The dependent variable is employees reported happiness in their position.One threat to internal validity of this study would be if employees' names are on the surveys; employees might believe that they will be fired if they report unhappiness.One solution would be to anonymize the surveys and to have an external company analyze the data to help employees feel comfortable providing honest answers.