


Which of the following is an outcome measure used by employees to evaluate career success?

A) union activity
B) work-life balance
C) personality-job fit
D) absenteeism
E) learning

On Jul 13, 2024



What is moral intensity and how does it affect ethical leadership?

On Jul 10, 2024

Student answers may vary. A key situational determinant of ethical behavior is the moral intensity of the issue. Moral intensity refers to the saliency and strength of the issue, and for a leader it is determined by six factors: (1) the degree of consequences for others; (2) the probability that those consequences will occur; (3) whether the consequences will occur in the short-term or distant future; (4) the closeness (physical, social, cultural, and psychological) of the affected parties to the leader; (5) the extent to which the consequences are limited to only a few versus many individuals; and (6) the amount of agreement among others as to what the leader should do. Moral intensity has been shown to reduce a person's willingness to engage in questionable accounting practices, to increase the willingness to engage in whistleblowing behaviors, and to increase the amount of emotional exhaustion experienced after making the decision.


Briefly describe environmental complexity and its component factors.

On Jun 13, 2024

Environmental complexity refers to the magnitude of the problems and opportunities in the organization's environment, as evidenced by three main factors: the degree of richness, the degree of interdependence, and the degree of uncertainty stemming from both the general and the specific environments. The component factors of environmental complexity are described as follows: Environmental richness refers to the extent to which the economy is growing, individuals are improving their education, and those on whom the organization relies are prospering. Environmental interdependence reflects the firm's connection to external individuals, groups, and organizations. Degree of uncertainty reflects the uncertainty and volatility associated with the general and specific environments in which the firm operates.


Bertrand Louise, an important stakeholder at Carmichaels & Sons. Inc., requests a detailed report of the profit statement of the company when rumors reach him that their balance sheet for the past year was fabricated. Bertrand's request is immediately granted as some of the higher officials had the same suspicion as that of Bertrand. Which of the following best explains the quick actions taken in this case?

A) issue urgency
B) corporate social responsibility
C) demand legitimacy
D) self-centred behaviour
E) organizational setting

On Jun 10, 2024



Challenge stressors are ______.

A) positively related to motivation and performance
B) positively related to ambition and inefficiency
C) negatively related to motivation and performance
D) negatively related to ambition and inefficiency

On May 14, 2024



When you were 26 years old, you received an inheritance of $1,500 from your grandfather. You invested that amount in Nu-Wave stock and have not touched the investment since then. Today, this investment is worth $109,533.59. Nu-Wave stock has earned an average rate of return of 11.3% per year over this time period. How old are you today?

A) age 57
B) age 59
C) age 62
D) age 64
E) age 66

On May 11, 2024