


In Canada, strike replacements are:

A) Illegal in some provinces.
B) Always considered part of the bargaining unit if they are permanent.
C) Always able to vote on union matters.
D) Immediately replaced with strikers when a strike is ended.

On Jul 28, 2024



Describe how Heather Henter was able to show that parasitism success in wasps was a heritable trait that varied in the population.

On Jul 25, 2024

Heather Henter was able to show that parasitism success in wasps was a heritable trait that varied in the population through a series of experiments and observations. She first collected a population of wasps and measured their parasitism success, which is the ability to successfully lay eggs in a host organism. She then bred these wasps in controlled conditions and measured the parasitism success of their offspring.

By comparing the parasitism success of the parent wasps with that of their offspring, Henter was able to demonstrate that there was a significant correlation between the two, indicating that parasitism success is a heritable trait. Furthermore, she also observed that there was variation in the parasitism success among the offspring, indicating that this trait varied within the population.

Through these experiments and observations, Henter was able to provide evidence that parasitism success in wasps is a heritable trait that varies in the population, and not all individuals have the same level of success in parasitizing their hosts. This has important implications for understanding the evolution of parasitism in wasps and how it is maintained within the population.


Excitation-contraction coupling begins with

A) the depolarization at the T tubules.
B) the production of an action potential in the sarcolemma.
C) the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
D) the release of the cross-bridge.

On Jun 28, 2024



A certain fish-eating hawk that lives by large lakes can capture more pounds of fish per unit time if it were to hunt farther from shore instead of staying close to the shoreline. The hawk, however, does stay close to the shoreline. This demonstrates that

A) natural selection theory is probably not applicable in this case.
B) optimal foraging theory is probably not applicable in this case.
C) an optimal foraging hypothesis based on maximizing caloric intake alone is probably incorrect in this case.
D) the fish species found close to the shoreline in large lakes are more nutritious than those in the center.

On Jun 25, 2024



When the food supply is far from a beehive, the scout bee will perform a waggle dance.

On May 29, 2024



Which nutrient cycle does not have a gaseous phase?

A) Hydrologic cycle
B) Nitrogen cycle
C) Carbon cycle
D) Sulfur cycle
E) Phosphorus cycle

On May 26, 2024