


What is the term for the network of friends, family members, neighbors, coworkers, and others who can offer help to a person in need?

A) friendship
B) camaraderie
C) peer counseling
D) social support system

On Jul 19, 2024



The person most closely associated with research on learned helplessness is ________.

A) Bandura
B) Wolpe
C) Thorndike
D) Seligman

On Jul 18, 2024



Which statement is TRUE regarding the host personality in dissociative identity disorder?

A) This personality appears most frequently.
B) This personality is also referred to as the protector.
C) This personality is the most outgoing of the personalities.
D) This personality is the integrated personality seen after successful treatment.

On Jun 19, 2024



A proportion of children at risk for schizophrenia show all of the following early behavioural abnormalities EXCEPT

A) unusual preoccupation with imaginative companions.
B) early signs of impaired movement.
C) more withdrawn and socially reclusive, or more antisocial and aggressive than other children.
D) cognitive limitations not shared by other children.
E) early signs of impaired fine motor skills.

On Jun 18, 2024



Discuss the factors that encourage rape.

On May 20, 2024

Answers will vary. According to a poll conducted by the Washington Post, 20% of female respondents aged 17-26 reported they had been sexually assaulted in college. So did 5% of the men. The women told the interviewers things like "We were kind of wrestling around. Things turned more sexual. I told him to stop. He thought I was joking. I froze." "There was no question about consent. I said 'no' and he didn't care.". Rape has its sexual aspects, but it is also the subjugation of women by men. The definition of rape varies from state to state, but is usually defined as sex with a nonconsenting person by the use of force or the threat of force. Penile-vaginal penetration is usually not necessary to fit the definition. Most states permit the prosecution of husbands who rape their wives. About 10% of rape victims are men, and their assailants are also generally men. But about two-thirds of victims do not report rapes because of concern that they will be humiliated by the criminal justice system, or else they fear reprisal from their families or the rapist. Types of rape: According to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 90% of rapes are committed by acquaintances of the victim, including classmates, coworkers, dates, or family friends. Acquaintance rapes are less likely than stranger rapes to be reported to the police, because rape survivors may not perceive sexual assaults by acquaintances as rapes. Even when acquaintance rapes are reported to police, they may be treated as "misunderstandings" or lovers' quarrels rather than crimes. Date rape is a form of acquaintance rape. Date rape is more likely to occur when the couple has too much to drink and then parks in the man's car or goes to his residence. Social attitudes, myths, and cultural factors that encourage rape: Many people believe a number of myths about rape, such as "Women say no when they mean yes" and "The way women dress, they are just asking to be raped". Yet another myth is that deep down inside, women want to be overpowered and forced into sex by men. These myths have the effect of justifying rape in assailants' and the public's minds. Males are also often reinforced from childhood for aggressive and competitive behavior, as in sports. Gender typing may lead men to reject "feminine" traits such as tenderness and empathy that might restrain aggression.


The heritability of intelligence is lowest among genetically

A) similar individuals who have been raised in similar environments.
B) dissimilar individuals who have been raised in similar environments.
C) similar individuals who have been raised in dissimilar environments.
D) dissimilar individuals who have been raised in dissimilar environments.

On May 19, 2024