


Life stressors,such as significant accomplishments,vacations,or gaining a new family member,are likely to have more negative than positive consequences.

On Jun 07, 2024



Organizations can enhance employees' self-esteem by​

A) ​accommodating individual differences.
B) giving employees a voice in achieving company goals.​
C) keeping employees well informed so that they know what is expected of them.​
D) doing all of these.​

On Jun 07, 2024



The ________ terms of an offer and a resulting contract are those terms that would allow a court to determine what the damages would be in the event that one of the parties breaches the contract.

A) implied
B) implied-in-law
C) material
D) equitable
E) illusory

On Jun 06, 2024



Suppose you manage a corner grocery store.If peanut butter is an inferior good,what do you suppose would happen to the price and quantity sold of peanut butter as incomes fell during a recession?

A) The price would increase and the quantity would decrease.
B) The price and quantity would both increase.
C) The price and quantity would both decrease.
D) The price would decrease and the quantity would increase.

On May 08, 2024



If only one firm in an industry could take advantage of a reduced wage and all other firms continue paying the old wage, how would one best describe the one firm's reaction to this reduced wage assuming labor is the only variable input? The marginal revenue product of labor curve:

A) would remain unchanged, and the firm would hire more labor at the lower wage.
B) shifts to the left, and the firm hires more labor at the lower wage on the new curve.
C) shifts to the right, and the firm hires more labor at the lower wage on the new curve.
D) shifts to the left, and the firm hires less labor at the lower wage on the new curve.
E) shifts to the right, and the firm hires less labor at the lower wage on the new curve.

On May 07, 2024