


Mead believed that children acquire a concept of the generalized other during the _____ stage of childhood socialization.

A) imitation
B) play
C) game
D) preoperational

On Jul 28, 2024



What contribution does Parsons' concept of a sick role make to our understanding of sickness in society? What are the weaknesses of that concept?

On Jul 23, 2024

Parsons' concept of a sick role contributes to our understanding of sickness in society by providing a framework for understanding how individuals are expected to behave when they are sick. According to Parsons, when a person is sick, they are exempt from their normal social roles and responsibilities, and are expected to seek medical help in order to get better. This concept helps us understand how society views and responds to sickness, and the expectations placed on individuals who are ill.

However, there are several weaknesses to Parsons' concept of the sick role. One weakness is that it does not take into account the diversity of experiences and responses to sickness. Not everyone has access to medical care, or may not be able to afford it, which can impact their ability to fulfill the expectations of the sick role. Additionally, the concept does not address the social determinants of health, such as poverty, inequality, and access to resources, which can significantly impact an individual's experience of sickness.

Furthermore, Parsons' concept of the sick role has been criticized for being too deterministic and for assuming that individuals will always seek out medical help when they are sick. This does not account for cultural or personal beliefs about sickness and healing, and can overlook the ways in which individuals may choose alternative methods of care or may not seek medical help at all.

In conclusion, while Parsons' concept of the sick role provides a framework for understanding societal expectations around sickness, it also has weaknesses in its failure to account for diversity of experiences and responses to sickness, and its deterministic assumptions about seeking medical care.


Exposure to environmental pollution is most highly correlated with which of the following factors?

A) social class
B) income
C) race
D) education
E) gender

On Jul 20, 2024



According to Karl Marx, the social relations that matter MOST in a capitalist system are

A) family and kin.
B) community bonds.
C) economic relations.
D) nationalistic bonds.

On Jul 19, 2024



While work in the past used to be based on cooperation among equals,it usually now involves superordinates exercising and subordinates learning ____.

A) regularly; to follow
B) authority; obedience
C) resistance; obedience
D) care; care
E) disrespect; respect

On Jun 28, 2024



According to Gregory Mantsios, among all the industrialized nations in the world,_____is the most stratified.

A) Canada
B) Sweden
C) the United States
D) New Mexico

On Jun 26, 2024



Most of the classical sociologists analyzed modern society.

On Jun 20, 2024



According to Erving Goffman's concept of dramaturgy, how can a particular social setting make a considerable difference in how we interact with other people?

On Jun 19, 2024

In dramaturgy, a specific social setting or region provides a context for the types of props, mannerisms, and demeanor that are socially acceptable in that setting. For example, a female student would not come to class wearing a bikini, but she is free to wear one while swimming or at the beach. Similarly, she would probably not take a computer or textbook to the pool.


Through game theory, analytic Marxists add a microdimension to Marxist theory.

On May 27, 2024



The public health system is composed of government-run programs that ensure:

A) clean drinking water
B) basic sewerage and sanitation services
C) inoculations against infectious diseases
D) all of these choices
E) none of these choices

On May 24, 2024