


Stress is not intrinsically bad.

On Aug 01, 2024



Business firms have an easier time explaining price increases when those price increases are in response to:

A) higher costs.
B) higher demand.
C) unfair taxation.
D) a lack of competition.

On Jul 30, 2024



Explain the difference between random numbers and random number intervals.

On Jul 02, 2024

Random numbers are a series of digits that have been selected by a totally random process. Random number intervals are numbers used to represent each possible value or outcome in a computer simulation. During simulation, a particular random number is matched against the random number intervals to determine the value for the element being modeled that particular time.


Briefly explain the purpose of account numbers as used in a Chart of Accounts. List three advantages of using account numbers.

On Jun 30, 2024

Account numbers serve the purpose of uniquely identifying specific accounts. Each account is assigned a unique number for the Chart of Accounts. Advantages of using account numbers for a Chart of Accounts include:
1. Each account can be uniquely identified,avoiding duplicate,repetitive accounts that have slightly differently spellings.
2. When entering transactions,accounts numbers can be used to save time.
3. Account numbers can be used as a coding system so the account number also identifies the type of account.


Everett buys a new bicycle on credit from Bicycle City.Bicycle City has a security agreement for a purchase-money security interest in the bicycle but did not file a financing statement.Everett,however,discovers that he does not have enough money to pay his rent.Therefore,he sells the bicycle to his neighbor,Helen,who is unaware of Bicycle City's security interest in the bicycle.Everett fails to make payments on the bicycle,and Bicycle City seeks to repossess it.Discuss the rights and obligations of the parties.

On Jun 02, 2024

Under the Uniform Commercial Code,so long as Helen,the buyer,was not aware of the security interest of Bicycle City,purchased the bicycle for her personal use,and purchased it before the secured party filed a financial statement,she acquires the bicycle free of the security interest.In this case,assuming Bicycle City did not file any type of financing statement,the bicycle is Helen's.


In many states, close corporations have more flexibility in determining their rules of operation.

On May 31, 2024



Statement I: Compared to citizens of other leading industrial countries,Americans are overtaxed.
Statement II: We could make the payroll tax less regressive by raising the wage-base limitation to $200,000.

A) Statement I is true and statement II is false.
B) Statement II is true and statement I is false.
C) Both statements are true.
D) Both statements are false.

On May 03, 2024



Uncle Isaac has had some difficulty in a sale-of-goods contract and wants to know if there are any mistakes in the information he has received with regard to the remedies for breach of such a contract. Indicate the true statement.

A) Once the seller of the goods has given up possession of them to the buyer, he has lost his right to sue.
B) A court will award a remedy only if there was a breach of warranty.
C) An unpaid seller who has possession of the goods has a lien on those goods. That is, he can hold the goods.
D) The Sale of Goods Act excludes the possibility of the equitable remedy of specific performance.
E) If there has been a breach of contract, the purchaser is only entitled to tort remedies.

On May 01, 2024



Daniel is an employee at Atex Inc. Recently, he was moved to a new work team to help in the development of a new product. Chris, his supervisor on the new team, describes the set of behaviors that the new team members will expect of Daniel. Daniel, however, feels that these demands contradict the expectations set forth in his previous role at Atex Inc. Which situation is most likely to be the primary source of Daniel's dissatisfaction about his role?

A) Atex Inc. has brought together employees from different functions to form a team, leading to conflicting expectations.
B) Daniel is involved in Atex Inc.'s grapevine communications channel.
C) Daniel is unclear about his work methods because others have different ideas about work processes.
D) Atex Inc. has downsized recently, and employees' work is still going through quality checks.
E) Daniel is unsure how Atex Inc. will evaluate his performance on this new work team.

On Apr 30, 2024