


Which of the following is NOT a finding from research on the better-than-average effect?

A) People are unrealistically optimistic about their futures.
B) People overestimate their control over events.
C) People overestimate other people's abilities.
D) People overestimate their abilities.

On Jul 20, 2024



Evaluate the various criteria used by contemporary U.S.society to define adulthood.

On Jul 17, 2024

In contemporary U.S. society, there are several criteria used to define adulthood. These criteria include reaching a certain age, typically 18 or 21, which is considered the legal age of majority. This means that individuals are granted certain rights and responsibilities, such as the ability to vote, sign contracts, and serve on a jury.

Another criterion used to define adulthood is the ability to financially support oneself. This often includes obtaining a job, paying bills, and managing one's own finances. Additionally, the ability to make independent decisions and take responsibility for one's actions is also considered a defining factor of adulthood.

Furthermore, societal expectations and cultural norms play a role in defining adulthood. This may include achieving certain milestones such as completing education, getting married, or starting a family. Additionally, emotional and psychological maturity, as well as the ability to contribute to society in a meaningful way, are also considered important criteria for defining adulthood.

Overall, contemporary U.S. society uses a combination of legal, financial, social, and personal criteria to define adulthood, recognizing that it is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of maturity and independence.


The tendency toward sex segregation in play seems to be

A) cultural.
B) universal.
C) uncommon.
D) decreasing.

On Jun 18, 2024



What is a device that records eye movements

A)  electroencephalograph
B)  electrocardiograph 
C)  electrooculograph
D)  electromyograph

On Jun 14, 2024



Dissociation refers to

A) a split in consciousness.
B) a phantom limb sensation.
C) conscious enactment of a hypnotic role.
D) perception without sensation.

On May 16, 2024



You see the letters "RED" printed in green ink. The difficulty you have in naming the color (instead of reading the word) is known as the Stroop effect.

On May 13, 2024
