


Give an example of how you might use the foot-in-the-door technique.

On Jul 25, 2024

The foot-in-the-door technique is a persuasion strategy where you start with a small request to gain initial compliance, and then follow up with a larger request. The idea is that once someone has agreed to a small request, they are more likely to agree to a larger one. Here's an example of how you might use this technique:

Imagine you are a member of a local environmental group and you're trying to encourage people in your community to adopt more sustainable practices. You decide to use the foot-in-the-door technique to gradually get your neighbors to make bigger environmental commitments.

Step 1: Small Request
You start by going door-to-door asking your neighbors to sign a petition supporting the addition of more recycling bins in the neighborhood. This is a small, non-threatening request that most people are likely to agree to because it requires minimal effort and is a cause that many people support.

Step 2: Follow-Up with a Larger Request
After they have signed the petition, you thank them and mention that if they're interested in doing more for the environment, they could consider volunteering at a local park cleanup event you're organizing next month. Since they've already shown support for an environmental cause by signing the petition, they may feel more inclined to maintain consistent behavior and agree to volunteer, which is a larger commitment.

Step 3: Even Larger Request
At the park cleanup, you thank the volunteers and talk about the impact of their efforts. You then introduce the idea of participating in a community-wide challenge to reduce household energy consumption. You provide them with information and ask if they would be willing to commit to trying to reduce their energy use by a certain percentage. Having already engaged in two pro-environmental behaviors, they may be more likely to agree to this larger commitment because they've started to see themselves as people who take action to support the environment.

By using the foot-in-the-door technique, you've effectively led your neighbors from a very small act of signing a petition to making more significant changes in their behavior that benefit the environment. This gradual escalation of commitments can be more effective than asking for a large commitment right away, as it allows individuals to ease into the role of being an active supporter of the cause.


Stephen wanders about while remaining asleep.What is Stephen's condition called

A)  apnea 
B)  somnambulism 
C)  narcolepsy 
D)  agnosia

On Jul 22, 2024



Which of the following is true of theories of development during middle adulthood?

A) They debate whether or not middle adulthood is a distinct stage of life.
B) They all include the concept of a midlife crisis.
C) They agree that middle adulthood begins at age 35.
D) They suggest that one's age is the primary determinant of when middle adulthood begins.

On Jun 25, 2024



In order to get her 3rd grade students to memorize the poem written on the chalkboard, Mrs. Thyberg gives the students stickers for each poem they can recite from memory. After earning 5 stickers, a student gets to pick a prize out of the goody box. Mrs. Thyberg is using a(n) ________ to modify the children's behaviors.

A) token economy
B) applied behavior analysis
C) negative reinforcement
D) classical conditioning technique

On Jun 22, 2024



An important component of critical thought is clearly defining key terms.

On May 26, 2024



MacKenzie's mother is a surgeon and her father is a microbiologist. The influence her parents have on MacKenzie's choice of occupation that she will most likely ______.

A) pursue vocational training
B) decide to become an artist
C) choose a high-profile college and career
D) go to work right out of high school

On May 23, 2024