


Clara types a letter to Fraser setting forth the terms of their contract that falls within the statute of frauds. At the end of the letter, she types her name but does not sign her signature to it. If Fraser wants to use the letter to satisfy the writing requirement, he may do so.

On Jul 13, 2024



Joe owned a house that would cost $200,000 to replace. He took out an insurance policy for only $100,000, reasoning that any damage that would take place would likely be under that amount. In fact, there was a fire and the total loss was $50,000. Indicate what problems Joe might run into when he tries to collect.

On Jul 09, 2024

If the value of the house is $200,000 and he has only $100,000 coverage on it, then he may be considered a co-insurer for the difference, depending on the terms of the contract. (For example, if the contract requires him to keep at least 80% of the value covered by insurance and he has only 50% coverage, he would be the co-insurer for the difference of 30%.) On any claim, therefore, he will have to bear a portion of the loss himself.


Many marketing students initially overlook the importance of marketing channel management because

A) marketing has no responsibility for supply chain management.
B) marketing channel management doesn't add much value for customers.
C) companies do not want customers to know anything about the supply chain.
D) many of these activities take place behind the scenes.
E) marketing channel management is already transparent.

On Jun 13, 2024



The level of investment will tend to rise as the interest rate _________ and the capacity utilization rate ________.

On Jun 09, 2024



The concept of collectivism assumes the self

A) is based on our group's definition of who we are.
B) is a collection of individual components.
C) contains memories and qualities that are collected during our lifetimes.
D) is partly based on membership in groups.
E) does not exist.

On May 14, 2024



According to educator S.I. Hayakawa, which of the following is the primary goal of a human being?

A) Not submission but domination
B) Not survival but growth
C) Not personal expression but social interaction
D) Not self-preservation but preservation of the symbolic self
E) None of these

On May 10, 2024