


Evaluate the idea that cross-cultural differences arise from geography.

On Jul 20, 2024

A good answer would include the following key points:
-Some theorists have proposed that cross-cultural differences arise from geographical constraints such as terrain, climate, or other environmental characteristics.
-This approach makes sense, as a variety of examples will attest.
-A culture that develops within a gloomy, snowbound setting is likely to foster collectivism, as inhabitants realize the benefits of cooperating with one another to combat the harsh conditions of their climate.
-Similarly, a culture that develops along a major seaport or river is likely to foster traits of extraversion, agreeableness, or conscientiousness, as inhabitants recognize the value of working well with others to the mutual benefit of all.
-Rich farmland should promote cooperative motives, just as bleak deserts are likely to inspire an individualistic, nomadic lifestyle.
-In short, many geographic differences could contribute to cross-cultural differences in personality, experience, or motives.


The public service messages that encourage parents to sit down with their children and talk frankly about drugs are promoting which method of attitude formation?

A) direct contact
B) direct instruction
C) vicarious conditioning
D) observational learning

On Jul 17, 2024



Design a simple descriptive/correlational study to investigate the relationship between television violence and children's aggressive behaviour.

On Jun 19, 2024

 Again,there are numerous possibilities.Make certain that both variables are operationally defined; that a specific descriptive/correlational method (such as naturalistic observation or survey)is selected; and that causation is neither stated nor implied.The student may also cite a case study.In naturalistic observation designs,the student may make mention of how they control for reactivity.


Which of the following is a criticism leveled against the biological approach to abnormality?

A) It often ignores the fact that environmental and psychological processes can affect biological functioning.
B) It argues that people prefer to deal with the issues in their lives that are contributing to their psychological problems rather than turn to drugs.
C) It seems to increase the blame or responsibility that might be put upon the sufferer of a disorder.
D) It forces people who suffer from disorders to deny that they have a disease and therefore remedy their disease through cognitive restructuring.

On Jun 16, 2024



Jamie and Lynn were sure that they had answered most of the multiple-choice questions correctly because "the questions required only common sense." However,they each scored less than 60% on the exam. This best illustrates

A) illusory correlation.
B) random assignment.
C) hindsight bias.
D) overconfidence.

On May 20, 2024



The stronger our critical thinking skills and habits of mind, ________.

A) the weaker our democracy will become
B) the more likely we are to be influenced by others
C) the more likely we are to live in a closed society
D) the greater our prospects of success

On May 17, 2024