


The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word for each blank. Thanks to the Zamboni's efficiency, ____ alike can enjoy clean ice and a great performance.

A) fans' and skaters'
B) fans and skaters

On Sep 30, 2024



Select the letter of the correct word for each blank. ____ of a web site involves studying it to determine whether the information it presents seems accurate, up to date, and fair.

A) Documentation
B) Citation
C) Evaluation

On Sep 29, 2024



Select the letter of the answer that correctly identifies each of the types of prewriting illustrated below. The prewriting below is an example of
Something that angers me
I get so annoyed by people who drive SUVs. Most of the time, you see just one or two people in a huge vehicle that seats seven or nine people. People in these vehicles wasting gas could be driving more fuel-efficient cars and helping to make oil supplies last longer. Aggravating to try to see around them. They completely block the view of people in cars, that's unsafe. When trying to make a right turn and one pulls up beside me, I can't see oncoming traffic any more. Roads less safe with SUVs on them. In accidents, the people who get injured or killed are the ones in the car, not the SUV.

A) focused freewriting.
B) brainstorming.
C) clustering.
D) asking questions.
E) keeping a journal.

On Sep 27, 2024



For each of the following statements, select the answer that correctly identifies the cause and effect. Many people conquer their addiction to alcohol by joining the twelve-step Alcoholics Anonymous program.

A) Cause: many people conquer their addiction to alcohol Effect: joining the twelve-step Alcoholics Anonymous program
B) Cause: joining the twelve-step Alcoholics Anonymous program Effect: many people conquer their addiction to alcohol

On Sep 24, 2024



Each of the following sentences tells what you are trying to persuade someone to do. Beneath each sentence are four reasons that attempt to convince the reader that he or she should take this particular course of action. Select the reason that seems irrelevant, illogical, or untrue. If you wanted to convince parents that their children should do household chores, you could say that

A) doing chores helps to teach kids the value of money.
B) kids who do chores learn responsibility.
C) children who do chores learn practical life skills they'll need later when they're on their own.
D) kids who don't do chores are sure to become bums who will never leave home.

On Sep 22, 2024