


The following sentences form a paragraph. If the sentence contains a pronoun error, select "Pronoun error." If the sentence does not have a pronoun error, select "Correct." First, we collected all the ingredients for the dough and placed them on the kitchen counter.

A) Pronoun error
B) Correct

On Jul 10, 2024



In each set below, one sentence in the set contains an error. Select the letter of the sentence that contains an error. Which sentence contains an error?

A) She is rich, beautiful, and has talent.
B) Neither the cats nor the dog has eaten breakfast.
C) My sisters and brothers-in-law met me at the airport.

On Jul 08, 2024



Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.
According to sports writer Ian Stafford, the British hold the record for winning the world's oddest competitions . In one of these bizarre events, contestants contort their faces and are judged on their ugliness. One competitor removed half his dentures and reversed the other half, rolled his eyes, and tucked his nose into his mustache and upper lip to achieve prize-winning ugliness. Another of these eccentric contests is snail racing. Opponents in this case are, of course, snails, which are placed in the center of a thirteen-inch cloth circle. The first to reach the edge of the circle wins. The race often takes four to five minutes, although the all-time champion (owned and trained by an English seven-year-old) finished the course in two minutes. Toe wrestling, bog snorkeling, worm charming ⎯ the British have emerged as unconquered rivals in all of these so-called sports. Perhaps you think that sports writer Ian Stafford should win first prize in the Biggest Liar in the World Competition. No, every one of these outlandish games exists. You can check them all out on the Internet.
What pronoun refers to the subject of this passage?

A) them
B) his
C) it

On Jul 07, 2024



The topic sentence below is followed by a brainstormed list of possible ideas for a paragraph. Decide which ideas support the topic sentence and should be kept and which ideas should be dropped. Select "keep" or "drop" for each idea. Topic sentence: Modern fireworks have their origins in tenth-century Chinese pyrotechnics.
Fireworks are too loud.

A) Keep
B) Drop

On Jul 06, 2024



Select the letter of the answer that correctly identifies the subject and complete verb in each sentence. I should have taken more Caribbean literature courses.

A) courses, went
B) I, should have taken
C) Caribbean, taken

On Jun 15, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word for each blank. The Zamboni is not easy to maneuver ⎯ the driver has to steer with one hand and adjust the ____ controls with the other.

A) machine's
B) machines

On Jun 07, 2024



Proofread the following sentences, which form an essay, for errors in the past participle. If the sentence contains a past participle error, select "Past participle error." If the sentence is correct, select "Correct." In some areas, farmers have raise and harvested cranberries in bogs.

A) Past participle error
B) Correct

On Jun 06, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct adjective or adverb for each blank. Some have argued that the wreck is a mass grave site, so the ____ thing to do is leave it undisturbed.

A) best
B) better

On Jun 04, 2024



Select the answer that joins each pair of simple sentences with conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs correctly and is punctuated correctly. Beth has an insatiable appetite for fatty foods.
She will have to cut down if she wants to stay trim.

A) Although Beth has an insatiable appetite for fatty foods, she will have to cut down if she wants to stay trim.
B) Even though she will have to cut down if she wants to stay trim Beth has an insatiable appetite for fatty foods.
C) Beth has an insatiable appetite for fatty foods nevertheless she will have to cut down if she wants to stay trim.

On Jun 03, 2024



Each question below is a plan for a process paragraph. The steps for each plan are not in the correct chronological order. For each plan, select the answer that numbers the steps in the proper time sequence. Because turtles are cold-blooded animals, they hibernate during the winter.
____ After finding the right place, they dig their winter home, bury themselves in the mud, and fall into a deep sleep.
____ As the weather begins to turn cold, turtles begin to seek a spot in the mud near a pond to spend the winter.
____ With the onset of spring, the ice on the pond melts and the thawing mud awakens these buried creatures to new life.
____ Throughout the winter, as they sleep, their metabolism remains low.

A) 3, 2, 1, 4
B) 4, 3, 1, 2
C) 2, 1, 4, 3

On Jun 01, 2024