


Stress can decrease our reaction time and attention and also can distort cognitive processes.

On Jul 20, 2024



Robert, a sales representative for JBR International, is giving a group sales presentation. Robert has gone through the opening steps of establishing the credibility of JBR. What should Robert most likely do next?

A) Provide an overview of the firm's growth
B) Use visual aids to discuss proposal specifics
C) Discuss the price for implementing the proposal
D) Gather input about the criteria for making a purchase
E) Summarize the short-term and long-term benefits of the product

On Jul 17, 2024



When determining how to compose a scene,how can you be sure the background is tasteful and appropriate for the message?

A) Increase the optical zoom
B) Verify the quality of the sound recording
C) Prepare a shot list
D) Block off time to edit and combine footage
E) Try to visualize what the camera will see

On Jun 19, 2024



If you had a friend with high trait anxiety,what procedures or steps would you recommend that he or she follow to manage anxiety? Be specific.​

On Jun 16, 2024

Trait anxiety (communication apprehension)stems from internal feelings that a person brings to a communication situation.Trait anxiety is different from state (situational)anxiety.Trait anxiety is both learned and inborn.Many techniques help manage trait anxiety.Most require professional help.One approach is to use positive imagery,which helps with both kinds of anxiety,and is easy to use.This method requires imagining success and has been used successfully for years in sports,music,and theater.With this technique visualizing needs to be done with as much detail and clarity as possible.Additional methods include systematic desensitization (relaxation with deep breathing)to relax;cognitive restructuring of self-talk to identify irrational thoughts;skills training to identify goals,behaviors and skills to meet the goals; ​


If the demand for good X is perfectly inelastic and a tax is levied on the producers of each unit:

A) consumers pay the entire tax,and deadweight loss will occur because the equilibrium quantity of good X falls.
B) consumers pay the entire tax,and there is no deadweight loss because the equilibrium quantity of good X remains constant.
C) consumers and producers share the burden of the tax,and there is no deadweight loss because the equilibrium quantity of good X remains constant.
D) producers pay the entire tax,and deadweight loss will occur because the equilibrium quantity of good X falls.

On May 20, 2024



Which of the following would NOT be a volume-based cost driver in a traditional costing system?

A) Quantity of direct material
B) Factory floor area in square metres
C) Direct labour hours
D) Machine hours

On May 17, 2024