


The Adonis Tanning Salon is running a special this month of $1 a session.Lothario Goodman goes there 15 times,instead of his customary 5.

A) His consumer surplus is larger.
B) His consumer surplus is smaller.
C) His consumer surplus is the same.
D) It cannot be determined if his consumer surplus is larger,smaller,or the same.

On May 13, 2024



The chief executive officers of the major U.S. steel makers would most likely be prosecuted under the antitrust laws if they

A) met to review developments in the domestic market for steel.
B) agreed to work together to control the price of domestic steel.
C) conferred on resource, supply, and distribution issues.
D) promised to reveal to each other their positions on trade and tariffs.

On May 13, 2024



A study at an R&D organization,where teams worked together for more than five years,revealed what?

A) The performance of the groups increased over time,but only up to a point; after five years of working together,performance declined steeply.
B) The performance of the groups decreased steadily over time.
C) The performance of the groups remained steady over time,but declined sharply after five years of working together.
D) The performance of the groups increased over time in a steady,consistent fashion.

On May 12, 2024