


Which of the following is a tool that allows the presenter to view all presentation slides on one screen?

A) Slide transition
B) Hyperlink
C) Builds
D) Slide sorter
E) Animation

On Aug 07, 2024



Which of the following is true regarding float?

A) Cheques written by a firm generate collection float.
B) Cheques received by a firm create disbursement float.
C) In general, a firm's disbursement activities and its collection activities generate float.
D) A firm's float is negative when its available balance equals its book balance.
E) A firm cannot exploit float by using the cash needed to cover a cheque that has not yet cleared.

On Jul 12, 2024



Houze Corporation has provided the following information concerning a capital budgeting project: Houze Corporation has provided the following information concerning a capital budgeting project:   The working capital would be required immediately and would be released for use elsewhere at the end of the project. The company uses straight-line depreciation on all equipment. Assume cash flows occur at the end of the year except for the initial investments. The company takes income taxes into account in its capital budgeting.Click here to view Exhibit 14B-1, to determine the appropriate discount factor(s)  using the tables provided.The net present value of the entire project is closest to: A)  $28,073 B)  $70,000 C)  $5,183 D)  $54,000 The working capital would be required immediately and would be released for use elsewhere at the end of the project. The company uses straight-line depreciation on all equipment. Assume cash flows occur at the end of the year except for the initial investments. The company takes income taxes into account in its capital budgeting.Click here to view Exhibit 14B-1, to determine the appropriate discount factor(s) using the tables provided.The net present value of the entire project is closest to:

A) $28,073
B) $70,000
C) $5,183
D) $54,000

On Jul 08, 2024



Which produces greater effects than transactional leadership?

A) individualized consideration
B) contingent reward
C) management by exception-passive
D) influential morality

On Jun 11, 2024



Discuss the first three steps involved in effective group decision making.

On Jun 08, 2024

Answers will vary. Effective group decision making includes the following steps:
1. Analyzinge the decision to be made by adequately assessing the present situation.: To analysze something is to break it down into its smaller components. Research suggests that how a group analyszes the information can dramatically affect the group's decision.
Having too little evidence-or none- is one of the reasons groups sometimes fail to analyze the present situation accurately. Even if group members do have ample evidence, it may prove to be defective if they have not applied the proper tests to ensure the quality of the evidence. Whether the information a group has is good or bad, group members will tend to use the information if all members receive it, group members discuss it, and at least one group member champions the information. Just having information does not mean the group will use it well. Reasoning is the process of drawing conclusions from information. Flawed reasoning, like flawed data, can contribute to a bad decision.
2. Seeking input from each member.: One primary reason to work in groups and teams is the opportunity to tap the knowledge base of many people rather than just a few individuals. Research by John Oetzel documents what makes intuitive sense: Groups make better decisions when there is more equal participation in the discussion. Conversely, if several members dominate the conversation, decision quality suffers. Group members who believe they did not have an opportunity to voice their opinions and share information with others will not perceive the decision to have been reached fairly.
3. Identifying and clarifying the goals of the decision.: After assessing the current situation, the group should identify its objectives. A group uncertain about its task will have difficulty making a quality decision. If its goal is clear, a group can begin to identify alternatives and then weight each as to its ability to meet that goal. A group that has not clearly spelled out what it hopes to accomplish by making a decision has no means of assessing the effectiveness of the decision.


Inventory turnover measures the length of time it takes to acquire, sell, and replace the inventory.

On May 12, 2024



A firm always operates at some point on its long-run average total cost curve in both the long run and the short run.

On May 08, 2024
