


The quest for a physical basis of memory involves a search for a

A) flashbulb memory.
B) spacing effect.
C) mnemonic device.
D) memory trace.

On Jul 10, 2024



Angelique walks into a local hospital looking confused and acting as though she does not know who she is.Doctors admit her to the hospital for evaluation because she is covered in cuts and bruises.A few days later,after watching the news,Angelique remembers who she is and asks for help in moving away from her abusive husband.
A) What type of disorder is Angelique experiencing (emotion,thought,self)? What specific diagnosis would you give her?
B) If Angelique had walked into a hospital three states away from her home,what diagnosis would you give her?
C) Some people would argue that Angelique's disorder is actually somewhat adaptive.Discuss how this might be the case in Angelique's situation.What positive purpose does it serve for her?

On Jul 08, 2024

A) Disorder of self;dissociative amnesia
B) Dissociative fugue
C) Lapses in memory or conscious awareness may be protective for Angelique because dissociative disorders typically occur in response to extreme stress.This may be a way of Angelique's subconscious protecting her sense of self by separating her from the traumatic events.


Neo-Freudian personality theorists were most likely to disagree with Freud about the importance of

A) the unconscious dynamics underlying behavior.
B) childhood sexual instincts.
C) anxiety and defense mechanisms.
D) distinguishing between id,ego,and superego.

On Jun 10, 2024



According to Kelly, individual differences in personality can be traced to all of the following sources except one. Which one?

A) The number of constructs in a person's construct system
B) The way a person organizes the constructs in his or her construct system
C) The person's level of motivation to make sense out of the world
D) The kinds of constructs in a person's construct system

On Jun 08, 2024



_____ theory is Daryl Bem's take on how behaviors influence attitudes.

A) Self-perception
B) Social identity
C) Self-serving
D) Social comparison

On May 09, 2024



You attend every new movie that appears at your local theater. You find that most of them are dull (not reinforcing) but really enjoy about one-fourth of them. This is an example of a __________ schedule of reinforcement.

A) fixed-ratio
B) variable-ratio
C) fixed-interval
D) variable-interval

On May 08, 2024