Vanessa Valdovinos




The growth of the Internet has increased the popularity of on-line retailing and banking. What are the implications for float management?

On Jul 17, 2024

As consumers use on-line banking to make payments, disbursement float is decreased. For firms that sell products over the Internet, collection float may be significantly decreased. The impact on net float is thus unclear. This question leaves much to the student's imagination and knowledge of the current state of the Internet.


Which statement is not correct about expenses on the statement of income?

A) Classifying expenses by function means that expenses are reported according to the activity for which they are incurred.
B) Examples of expenses classified by nature are salaries and depreciation.
C) Companies following ASPE do not have to list their expenses in any particular order.
D) Expenses must be classified in decreasing order of magnitude.

On Jul 13, 2024



Which of the following is a short-run adjustment?

A) A local bakery hires two additional bakers.
B) Six new firms enter the plastics industry.
C) The number of farms in the United States declines by 5 percent.
D) BMW constructs a new assembly plant in South Carolina.

On Jun 16, 2024



The income statement should be prepared

A) before the statement of stockholder's equity and balance sheet
B) after the statement of stockholder's equity and before the balance sheet
C) after the statement of stockholder's equity and balance sheet
D) after the balance sheet and before the statement of stockholder's equity

On Jun 13, 2024



There are many characteristics associated with the use of the court process that may be considered advantages and disadvantages when compared to alternate dispute resolution. Which of the following is a favourable characteristic one would associate with the litigation process?

A) A speedier method of obtaining resolution of a dispute
B) A less costly method of obtaining a resolution to a dispute
C) A method of dispute resolution where both parties are more likely to be satisfied with the outcome
D) Enforcement of the decision has direct mechanisms
E) Confidentiality is protected

On May 17, 2024



Melissa sells insurance to homeowners and renters. Every weekend she goes out looking for moving vans and people unloading U-Haul trucks. She writes down the addresses of those who seem to be moving in. Every Monday she calls the list she has gathered during the weekend and asks them if they are interested in insurance. Melissa is using the ________ method of prospecting.

A) center of influence
B) observation
C) networking
D) preapproach
E) endless chain

On May 14, 2024