


Professor Rochelle told her students that if her door was closed it meant that she was unavailable to them and would be angry if they knocked on her door. But if her door was open, it meant that she was in a rare good mood and would answer questions at that time. Professor Rochelle's door being open was a __________ for __________

A) discriminative stimulus; asking questions.
B) discriminative stimulus; not asking questions.
C) discriminative response; asking questions.
D) discriminative response; not asking questions.

On Aug 01, 2024



A therapist is interested in helping her client get a clearer understanding of his motives and actions. This therapist is most likely to be a/an __________

A) action therapist.
B) insight therapist.
C) biomedical therapist.
D) relationship therapist .

On Jul 30, 2024



Summarize the four basic principles of ethical research,and provide an example of how each principle might be violated in a research study.

On Jul 02, 2024

A good answer would include the following key points:
-Protection from physical or psychological harm.If a researcher wanted to see how long newborns could hold their breath under water,this would be an unethical experiment violating this principle.
-Obtaining informed consent.Telling a group of elementary school children to "just fill out these forms;you don't need to know why" would violate this principle.
-Justified deception.Convincing a child that her puppy was just murdered in order to arouse and measure a stress response would be an unjustified use of deception.
-Privacy must be maintained.A researcher who left adolescents' confidential responses to questions about engaging in unprotected sexual activity lying on a table in a coffee shop would not be maintaining the privacy of those responses.


The genetic transfer of characteristics from parents to their children is known as

A) environmental influences.
B) biological influences.
C) heredity.
D) behavior genetics.

On Jun 30, 2024



Which area of psychology has established a reasonable way to think about free will?

A) psychoanalysis
B) trait
C) humanism
D) behaviorism

On Jun 02, 2024



What is the developmental stage during which toilet training occurs,according to Erikson

A)  initiative versus guilt 
B)  trust versus mistrust 
C)  industry versus inferiority 
D)  autonomy versus shame and doubt

On May 31, 2024