


The iris is a colored muscle that adjusts the size of the

A) blind spot.
B) cornea.
C) pupil.
D) lens.

On Aug 02, 2024



Which of the following is inconsistent with a psychoanalytic interpretation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

A) Snow White's escape from the wicked queen by going underground is representative of a young girl's latency period.
B) Snow White's evil stepmother is the target of hate and hostility arising from the Electra conflict.
C) The seven dwarfs represent the seven deadly sins, including lust and greed.
D) The prince's awakening touch with his sword represents the release of Snow White's previously dormant sexual urges.

On Jul 06, 2024



Which of the following statements is true of generalized anxiety disorder?

A) An individual suffering from generalized anxiety disorder experiences persistent anxiety for a maximum of one month.
B) An individual suffering from generalized anxiety disorder is nervous most of the time.
C) Generalized anxiety disorder does not have any impact on the physical health of an individual.
D) Generalized anxiety disorder is often caused due to an elevation in the levels of the neurotransmitter GABA.

On Jul 03, 2024



Counterconditioning techniques were derived from principles first developed by

A) Ivan Pavlov.
B) Carl Rogers.
C) B.F.Skinner.
D) Sigmund Freud.

On Jun 05, 2024



Please support the following statement from an REBT/CBT perspective: It's only a trigger if you let it be.

On Jun 03, 2024

Triggers are automatic. Once a trigger is implemented, the process goes forward without any ability to stop. For example, a bullet leaves a gun barrel once the trigger is pulled. Consequently, a trigger holds significant weight. However, a stressor may cause countless emotions and thoughts flooding the minds of individual, but there is no mandate for use. There is no unwavering absolute and rigid outcome dictating client behavior. Thus, their automatic thoughts and associated negative schemas ("I cannot be around alcohol without drinking") effectively turns a stressor (for which there is control to manage) into a trigger (for which, by definition, there is no control). This is never to say that the management of stressors may not be challenging, scary, confusing, exhausting, and just overwhelming. It is, and more. But it is possible to manage, and CBT helps instill the self-efficacy back into the client by simply stating that this context is stressful but not predetermined for failure. It is in the client's hands to craft the ultimate outcome as opposed to an ultimate outcome forced upon a client with no other options.


Nathan is 37 years old. He smokes and drinks excessively and is constantly putting his hand to his mouth. What might Freud have said about Nathan?

A) Nathan had an excessive amount of psychic energy fixated during the resolution of his Oedipus complex.
B) Nathan had some traumatic experiences that led to an oral personality.
C) Nathan has a weak superego.
D) Nathan has not yet resolved his Oedipus complex.

On May 06, 2024



Cross-cultural studies of childhood asthma find that

A) the problem is more serious in poorer nations.
B) it is almost nonexistent in affluent nations.
C) the rates are remarkably similar across countries.
D) the problem tends to be less serious in poorer nations.

On May 04, 2024



In collectivist cultures that stress interdependence, such as Asian cultures, people are more likely to attribute another person's behavior to that person's __________.

A) personality
B) social roles and obligations
C) age and health
D) attitude

On May 02, 2024



Jamie is suffering from a specific phobia of flying. He would be most likely to solve this problem with ________ therapy.

A) Gestalt
B) behavior
C) insight
D) cognitive

On May 01, 2024