


Average variable cost does NOT equal:

A) variable cost divided by output.
B) total cost minus fixed cost divided by output.
C) average total cost minus average fixed cost.
D) variable cost times output.

On Jul 29, 2024



Under which of the following conditions can incentive plans fail to achieve their objectives?

A) when the goals are based on organizational performance
B) when employees are too motivated
C) when employees have little ability to affect performance standards
D) when the objectives are too focused

On Jul 28, 2024



A firm's correctly computed capital structure consists of 20% debt, 10% preferred stock, and 70% equity. If retained earnings of $2 million are expected, at what point will the MCC schedule break upward as retained earnings are replaced with new equity?

A) $2,857,143
B) $2,000,000
C) $2,436,372
D) $3,400,000

On Jun 29, 2024



Describe and differentiate between the leader-member exchange theory and the social exchange theory.

On Jun 28, 2024

The Leader-member exchange LMX is the study of manager-subordinate relationship quality. The Social exchange theory describes how relationships initiate and develop through processes of exchange and reciprocity. Whereas high LMX relationships are more like partnerships between managers and subordinates in co-producing leadership, low LMX relationships are more like traditional supervision, with managers supervising and monitoring and subordinates complying or maybe resisting. According to social exchange theory, relationships develop through exchanges-actions contingent upon rewarding reactions. We engage in exchanges every day when we say something or do something for another, and those actions are rewarded or not rewarded. Relationships develop when exchanges are mutually rewarding and reinforcing.


Discuss the challenges facing production managers.

On May 30, 2024

Operations managers face numerous challenges and tradeoffs that must be managed successfully if the organization and supply chain are to achieve their performance goals. These challenges were highlighted by Ferrari and Parker in a Supply Chain Management Review article: "Intensified competition, more demanding customers, and relentless pressure for efficiency and well as adaptability are driving significant changes across many manufacturing industry settings." According to the authors, long-term profitable growth is dependent on manufacturing and supply chain organizations' abilities to address these challenges through process innovation.Competitive pressures are a major challenge for many established manufacturers and service providers. As the global reach of supply chains makes it possible to source product from nearly anywhere in the world, companies need to continually update their production capabilities and develop innovative responses to upstart competitors.Customers' demand for choice and rapidly changing tastes make life difficult for product makers. The expectation today of customized products that meet the specifications of individual buyers requires far different production processes than the assembly methods needed for standardized goods. The shrinking life cycle of products today also renders long production runs of these common goods obsolete. In response, companies like Dell and Nike have developed responsive capabilities by building supply chains around assemble-to-order production capabilities. Today, you can design your own Nike shoes at the use of responsive, small quantity production processes is growing, company executives still demand productivity and efficiency. Leanness and adaptability are requirements for success, though many organizations struggle to make the transition from traditional production methods and strategies to more contemporary ones that can better balance product quality, process flexibility, fulfillment speed, and execution costs.Operations managers face many other operations challenges. Labor availability and productivity issues, synchronization of activities with the supply chain, and capital costs are just a few of the additional obstacles that must be overcome.


Your primary goal in writing a sales or marketing message is to

A) demonstrate creativity and marketing skills.
B) create a strong personal and professional image for yourself.
C) get your audience to devote a few moments of attention to your message.
D) become a perceptive consumer of ideas, products, and services.

On May 29, 2024