


What benefits can collective identification by members with a team or small group provide? Are there any potential risks?

On Jul 15, 2024

Student answers may vary. Collective identification by members with a team or small group has potential benefits such as greater cohesiveness and cooperation and lower turnover. Leaders can increase collective identification by helping to create a unique identity and a favorable reputation for the team. Leaders can interpret events in terms of social identities related to past experiences and shared values of followers. Symbols, rituals, and ceremonies can be used to enhance the visibility of the group and to encourage members to express their loyalty and dedication. Stories, myths, and celebration of current and past achievements can also enhance collective identification. Despite the potential benefits, strong identification with a team or subunit also has potential risks. For example, members may be unwilling to express concerns or dissent that would improve the group's decisions. Disagreements with other subunits or with top management are more likely to escalate into serious conflicts. In extreme cases, the unit may seek to withdraw from the organization or to use political tactics to undermine opponents in the organization.


Title to personal property may be obtained by accession,which is the intermixing of goods that belong to different owners.

On Jul 11, 2024



Prepare the necessary general journal entry for June 20.
__________________________________________ __________ __________
__________________________________________ __________ __________
__________________________________________ __________ __________

On Jun 14, 2024



Written questions that one party sends to another to answer under oath are called ________.

A) Interrogatories
B) Depositions
C) Inquiries
D) Subpoenas
E) Sworn assertions

On Jun 11, 2024



Todd's grandmother makes quilts for a New York City gallery. For each completed full-size quilt she completes and delivers to the gallery buyer, she earns $350. What payment plan is used by the gallery to pay Todd's grandmother for her work?

A) the differential piece rate plan
B) the standard hour plan
C) the merit pay plan
D) the base rate plus standard output plan
E) the straight piecework plan

On May 15, 2024



A loss on the sale of an asset would occur when:

A) the cash received is less than the book value of the asset.
B) the cash received is equal to the book value of the asset.
C) the cash received is greater than the book value of the asset.
D) None of the above answers are correct.

On May 12, 2024