


Suppose you purchase 100 shares of GM stock at the beginning of year 1 and purchase another 100 shares at the end of year 1. You sell all 200 shares at the end of year 2. Assume that the price of GM stock is $50 at the beginning of year 1, $55 at the end of year 1, and $65 at the end of year 2. Assume no dividends were paid on GM stock. Your dollar-weighted return on the stock will be ________ your time-weighted return on the stock.

A) higher than
B) the same as
C) less than
D) exactly proportional to
E) More information is necessary to answer this question.

On Jul 19, 2024



What is the final step in developing a customer benefit plan?

A) Performing a value analysis that identifies ROI.
B) Assessing the prospect's attitude with a trial close.
C) Creating an individualized sales call objective.
D) Developing a suggested purchase order.
E) Presenting a marketing plan.

On Jul 17, 2024



Businesses might want to have multiple checking accounts to provide various functions.What type checking account would a business NOT want to have?

A) Salaried Payroll
B) Operations related
C) Owner's personal expenses
D) Hourly Payroll

On Jun 19, 2024



The lessor does not have any asset recorded in its financial statements for a lease classified as a sales-type lease.

On Jun 17, 2024



Which of the following accounts does not have a credit balance?

A) Gain on sale of land.
B) Interest revenue.
C) Unearned revenue.
D) Rent expense.

On May 19, 2024



Describe the types of questions featured in SPIN selling.

On May 18, 2024

SPIN is an acronym that refers to the questions that feature most prominently in successful sales calls.Situation questions are designed to obtain background facts about the buyer's current circumstances. Answers to effective situation questions provide a starting point for deciding which potential problems and dissatisfactions to explore.Problem questions ask about buyers' problems, difficulties, or dissatisfactions with an existing situation. Problem questions clarify and make more explicit buyers' implied needs. They provide the raw material upon which to build the rest of the presentation.Implication questions ask about the consequences or effects of the buyer's situation. They show that the buyer's problem is significant enough to justify action. Implication questions help transform problems into explicit needs in the mind of the buyer and expand the perceived value of finding a solution.Need-payoff questions are designed to get the buyer thinking about the value of finding a solution to the problem. By focusing on the solution, need-payoff questions reduce objections, moving the discussion toward action and commitment.