


Jake is faced with a situation where setting goals or making decisions is based largely on judgments and determinations rather than on indisputable facts.This situation can be best described as a(n) :

A) legal conflict.
B) ethical dilemma.
C) personality conflict.
D) social bias.

On Jul 25, 2024



Ross gets to know that his friend Fredrick has been fired from his job,and blames the declining economy for this event that has occurred.Ron's behavior is associated with which of the following theories?

A) Attribution theory
B) Selective theory
C) Expectation theory
D) Iteration theory

On Jul 10, 2024



Some of the more common filters that can influence perceptions are stereotyping,projection,expectations,and interest.

On Jun 18, 2024



Which of the following is true of one of the most common barriers to interpersonal effectiveness-fear?

A) Fear lowers the levels of self-blame and self-neglect.
B) Fear is,on the whole considered to be bad as it has only negative effects on people.
C) Negative fear encourages creativity and learning.
D) Anxiety is one of the distinct components of anticipatory fear.

On Jun 12, 2024



According to the traditional view of conflict management:

A) conflict is a result of dysfunctional managerial behavior and therefore should and can be stopped at the source.
B) conflict is viewed as a natural part of human existence and is accepted as a normal part of group interaction.
C) conflict is not only inevitable,but maintaining a degree of tension can be helpful in keeping a group creative.
D) conflict is seen as a positive force for change within organizations,groups and relationships.

On May 15, 2024



Define ethics and discuss the behaviors of an ethical communicator.

On May 13, 2024

-Ethics are the beliefs,values,and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong.
-Characteristics of ethical communicators:
-Sensitive to the needs of others,give people choices rather than forcing them to act a certain way,keep private information that others wish to be kept private,honesty,avoid diminishing others' self-worth,don't tell people only what they want to hear.


The message transfer model of communication portrays human communication as a(n) ___________ process.

A) interactive
B) linear
C) circular
D) simultaneous

On May 12, 2024



Complementary needs refers to __________.

A) our desire to receive compliments from those to whom we are attracted
B) when each partner contributes something to the relationship that the other wants or needs
C) the attraction we have for people who live in close proximity to us
D) needs determined by the attitudes we have about our strengths and weaknesses

On May 10, 2024



Which listening style is often characterized by the use of second-guessing?

A) task-oriented
B) relational
C) analytical
D) critical

On May 09, 2024



Describe and give examples of three categories of movement and gestures identified by Ekman and Friesen.

On May 08, 2024

-Emblems are nonverbal cues that have specific,generally understood meanings in a given culture and may substitute for a word or phrase.
-An example would be when a parent puts up a finger to his or her pursed lips to indicate to a child to stop talking.
-Illustrators are nonverbal behaviors that accompany a verbal message and either contradict,accent,or complement it.
-An example would be when a professor slams a book on the desk while proclaiming,"I don't want to read this anymore!"
-Regulators are nonverbal messages that help to control the interaction or flow of communication between two people.
-An example would be when you are eager to respond to a message,you make eye contact,raise your eyebrows,open your mouth,put up your index finger,and lean forward slightly.
-Affect displays are nonverbal behaviors that communicate emotions.
-For example,when you are feeling friendly,you use a soft tone of voice,an open smile,and a relaxed posture.
-Adaptors are nonverbal behaviors that satisfy a personal need and help a person adapt or respond to the immediate situation.
-When you adjust your glasses,scratch a mosquito bite,or comb your hair,you use movement to help manage your personal needs and "adapt" to your surroundings.
-Student examples will vary.