


It is, perhaps, a safe assumption that most people who smoke know that it is not good for their health. Using the principle of cognitive dissonance, describe three examples of several things that a smoker might do to reduce their dissonance, making sure to include at least one example from each of the three actions noted by the textbook.

On Jul 12, 2024

One example of reducing cognitive dissonance for a smoker could be to change their behavior by rationalizing their smoking habit. They might tell themselves that they only smoke occasionally or that they are able to handle the health risks. This is an example of the first action noted by the textbook, which is changing one's behavior to reduce dissonance.

Another example could be to change their belief about smoking by seeking out information that minimizes the health risks of smoking. They might read articles or listen to experts who downplay the negative effects of smoking, thus reducing their dissonance by convincing themselves that it's not as harmful as commonly believed. This is an example of the second action noted by the textbook, which is changing one's belief to reduce dissonance.

Lastly, a smoker might seek out social support from other smokers who also downplay the health risks of smoking. By surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals, they can reduce their dissonance by feeling validated in their smoking habit and minimizing the negative effects. This is an example of the third action noted by the textbook, which is seeking out social support to reduce dissonance.


Developmental psychologist Sandra Scarr described three types of correlations between genetic and environmental influences. These are passive correlation, active correlation, and correlation.

A) ongoing
B) evocative
C) restrictive
D) inherent

On Jul 09, 2024



Freud believed that the three central forces that shape the personality were:

A) instincts, the ego, and the self.
B) biological forces, culture, and learning.
C) consciousness, unconsciousness, and instincts.
D) instinctual needs, rational thinking, and moral standards.

On Jun 12, 2024



Type B people are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive-so much so that they are prone to getting into auto accidents.

On Jun 09, 2024



Often a symptom can have multiple causes.This is known as:

A) psychopathology.
B) comorbidity.
C) multifinality.
D) equifinality.

On May 13, 2024



The most widely used self-report personality test used today is

A) the Rorschach Inkblot Technique.
B) the MMPI.
C) the Myers-Briggs Indicator.
D) the Thematic Apperception Test.

On May 10, 2024