


Which of the following statements best describes a situation involving sunk costs?

A) An example of a sunk cost is the cost associated with restoring the site of a strip mine once the ore has been depleted.
B) Sunk costs must be considered if the IRR method is used but not if the firm relies on the NPV method.
C) A good example of a sunk cost is money that a banking corporation spent last year to investigate the site for a new office, then expensed those funds for tax purposes, and now is deciding whether to go forward with the project.
D) If sunk costs are considered and reflected in a project's cash flows, then the project's calculated NPV will be higher than it otherwise would be.

On May 10, 2024



Explain the lean business model and its corresponding management practices and potential benefits.

On May 08, 2024

Many businesses in order to remain competitive in the global market place, have adopted the lean business model which focuses on the elimination of waste. This consists of implementing management practices, such as just-in-time and total quality management, which if properly implemented can enhance quality, increase efficiencies, eliminate delays and reduce costs.