


In a dispute between a secured perfected creditor and a secured unperfected creditor for claim to collateral,the secured perfected creditor would be the prevailing party.

On Aug 01, 2024



Inventoriable costs may be thought of as a pool of costs consisting of which two elements?

A) The cost of beginning inventory and the cost of ending inventory
B) The cost of ending inventory and the cost of goods purchased during the year
C) The cost of beginning inventory and the cost of goods purchased during the year
D) The difference between the costs of goods purchased and the cost of goods sold during the year

On Jul 31, 2024



Canada Revenue Agency requires a company to use the same depreciation method on its income tax return that is used in preparing financial statements.

On Jul 02, 2024



Rules for interim reporting require that comparative information be presented. What comparative information should the current statement of financial position include?

A) The same quarter, last year
B) The immediate preceding quarter
C) The year end, last year
D) As budgeted for the period

On Jul 01, 2024



Discuss the advantages of podcasting.

On Jun 02, 2024

Podcasting is the process of recording audio or video files and distributing them online.Podcasting combines the media richness of voice or visual communication with the convenience of portability.Audiences can listen to or watch podcasts on a blog or website,or they can download them to phones or portable music players to consume on the go.Particularly with audio podcasts,the hands-off,eyes-off aspect makes them great for listening while driving or exercising.


Discuss in detail the techniques used to ensure that the audience understands your point and to reinforce it.

On Jun 01, 2024

Answers will vary. In a typical presentation of 15-20 minutes, limit your presentation to only a few major subpoints (typically three to five) that support or flesh out your primary theme or topic in order to avoid overwhelming and boring your audience. You can use several techniques to ensure the audience understands your point and to reinforce it:
a. Provide support in a form that is easy to understand. Three techniques will assist you in accomplishing this goal:
Use simple vocabulary and short sentences that the listener can understand easily and that sound conversational and interesting.
Avoid jargon or technical terms that the listeners might not understand.
Use a familiar frame of reference.
b. Provide relevant statistics. Provide statistics or other quantitative measures to lend authority and credibility to your points.
c. Use quotes from prominent people. Comments made by other authorities are helpful in establishing credibility.
d. Use interesting anecdotes. Audiences like and remember anecdotes or interesting stories that tie into the presentation and make strong emotional connections.
e. Use jokes and humor appropriately. A joke or humor can create a special bond between you and the audience, ease your approach to sensitive subjects, disarm a nonreceptive audience, or make your message easy to understand and remember.
f. Use presentation visuals. Presentation visuals, such as handouts, presentation software, and demonstrations, enhance the effectiveness of the presentation.
g. Encourage audience involvement. Skilled presenters involve their audiences through techniques such as asking reflective questioning, role playing, directing audience-centered activities, and incorporating current events or periodicals that tie directly to the message.


The delivery charges incurred when shipping the computers to distributors and retailers.

A) Fixed product cost.
B) Variable period cost.
C) Fixed period cost.
D) Variable product cost.

On May 03, 2024



The strong form of the EMH states that ________ must be reflected in the current stock price.

A) all security price and volume data
B) all publicly available information
C) all information, including inside information
D) all costless information

On May 02, 2024