


In March of 1964, Kitty Genovese was the victim of a brutal assault that led to her death in the entryway of her apartment complex. Police reports indicate that out of the 38 people who observed the attack happening, __________ called 911 to request assistance.

A) 0
B) 10
C) 19
D) 38

On Aug 02, 2024



Which of the following is a component of reason?

A) sets of premises that provide support for conclusions
B) appeals to self-interest
C) appeals to fear
D) None of these answers is correct.

On Jul 08, 2024



What term do sleep researchers use to designate stages 1-4 of sleep?

A) REM sleep
B) Non-REM sleep
C) REMN sleep
D) paradoxical sleep

On Jul 03, 2024



Explain and describe some of the misgivings neuroscientists have about the limbic system as a theoretical construct.

On Jun 06, 2024

Neuroscientists have several misgivings about the limbic system as a theoretical construct. One concern is that the concept of the limbic system is too simplistic and may not accurately represent the complexity of the brain's emotional and motivational processes. The original concept of the limbic system, proposed by Paul MacLean in the 1950s, suggested that it was a distinct and separate system responsible for emotions and behavior. However, modern neuroscience has shown that emotional and motivational processes are distributed throughout the brain and involve multiple interconnected regions, rather than being confined to a specific "limbic" system.

Another misgiving is that the limbic system concept has been used to perpetuate outdated and oversimplified ideas about the brain and behavior. This has led to a tendency to oversimplify complex emotional and motivational processes, which may hinder our understanding of these phenomena.

Additionally, some neuroscientists argue that the limbic system concept has been used to support overly deterministic and reductionist views of behavior and emotions. By attributing emotional and motivational processes to a specific brain system, there is a risk of overlooking the individual and contextual variability in these processes.

Overall, while the limbic system has been a useful concept in understanding the brain's emotional and motivational processes, neuroscientists have raised valid concerns about its oversimplification and potential limitations in accurately representing the complexity of these processes.


Which of the following statements about physical attractiveness is NOT true?

A) Attractiveness is an important factor in dating.
B) Males in particular reportedly prefer attractiveness in their same- and other-gender friends.
C) Judgments about physical attractiveness change as one learns about the person's personality.
D) Homosexuals place more importance on the physical attractiveness of their dating partners than heterosexuals do.

On Jun 03, 2024



Which perspective would focus on the extent to which different parenting styles are encouraged among various ethnic groups?

A) evolutionary
B) psychodynamic
C) social-cultural
D) neuroscience

On May 05, 2024



SQ3R is a study method incorporating five steps: survey,question,read,________,and review.

A) revise
B) reason
C) retrieve
D) research

On May 02, 2024