


"Friends with benefits" is a script for casual sex in which

A) sex between partners who have no intention of contacting each other again is discouraged.
B) an individual only has sex with another individual, and they are not romantic partners or friends.
C) two people who are friends, but not romantically involved, sometimes have sex with each other.
D) a text or phone call request for a sexual meetup is necessary.

On Aug 01, 2024



Susan and her infant son recently participated in a research study at the local college campus.Susan's simplified description of the study is "mom and baby together,baby by itself,someone else with baby,and then mom back with baby." Based on this description,you would be correct in assuming that Susan had participated in a study using a ________ paradigm.

A) habituation-dishabituation
B) Strange Situation
C) positive affectivity
D) primary appraisal

On Jul 05, 2024



Juan and his ex-girlfriend,Jennifer,often sexted.Now that Jennifer has broken up with Juan he is upset and has shared her photographs with other teens.Juan has engaged in:

A) texting.
B) revenge porn.
C) physical aggression.
D) a legal act.

On Jul 01, 2024



Since leaded gasoline was phased out in the United States, one would expect to observe all of the following, EXCEPT:

A) lower rates of Alzheimer's disease for those born after 1991.
B) higher rates of Alzheimer's disease in countries that continue to use leaded gasoline.
C) higher rates of Alzheimer's disease for those exposed to other lead-based products.
D) fewer neurocognitive problems among the elderly in 2010 compared to 2060.

On Jun 05, 2024



What did Darwin postulate about emotional expressions?

On Jun 01, 2024

Charles Darwin postulated that emotional expressions are universal among humans and are not learned but rather are inherited behaviors that have evolved because they had adaptive value. In his seminal work, "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals" (1872), Darwin proposed that emotional expressions were similar across cultures because they originated from common ancestors. He argued that these expressions were biologically innate and evolved through natural selection because they served important communicative functions, allowing individuals to quickly convey a wide range of information about their emotional states, intentions, and reactions.

Darwin suggested that certain emotional responses are so deeply ingrained that they are often displayed in similar ways by people from diverse cultures, as well as by other animals. For example, the expression of anger might involve furrowing the brow, flaring the nostrils, and baring the teeth, which can be observed across human societies and in some non-human primates.

He also explored the principle of antithesis, where opposite states of mind lead to contrasting body movements or postures. For instance, a submissive individual might lower their gaze and adopt a smaller body posture, which is the opposite of the expansive and direct stance of a dominant or aggressive individual.

Darwin's ideas on emotional expressions laid the groundwork for later research in psychology and ethology (the study of animal behavior), influencing our understanding of the biological and evolutionary basis of emotions. His work has been expanded upon by numerous researchers, and while some of his ideas have been challenged or refined, the core concept that many emotional expressions have an evolutionary basis is widely accepted in the scientific community.


Do particular groups, such as women and African Americans, suffer from low self-esteem? Describe the conclusions of research studies.

On May 05, 2024

Particular groups, such as women and African Americans, are sometimes thought to suffer from low self-esteem. In fact, their self-esteem is often pretty healthy too, despite various alarmist claims that it is low. Women's self-esteem is only slightly below that of men's. The difference is largest during adolescence, and it seems to be large not because the self-esteem of adolescent girls is especially low but because many teenage boys are very egotistical. Women and girls tend to be critical of their bodies, whereas boys and men think their bodies are just fine, and this discrepancy probably accounts for most if not all of the gender difference in self-esteem. (There is no sign that women regard themselves as less intelligent than men, for example, or less able to get along with others.)
Meanwhile, African Americans actually have somewhat higher self-esteem than other Americans, though again the difference is not very large. Their high self-esteem makes African Americans somewhat unusual because other minority groups average lower than European Americans in self-esteem. Still, no group really scores very low in self-esteem; the differences are just a matter of whether the group regards itself as significantly above average, or closer to average.


What is the importance of language to culture? What happens when language is lost? Explain.

On May 02, 2024

If language is lost the culture dies because it loses one of its most important survival mechanisms.Culture is a social construct,which is reliant on interaction between people.Language enhances the capability of interactions and carries pieces of the culture within it.