


Which ethical principle means that the benefits and risks of participation in research must be spread equally across individuals and groups?

A) beneficence
B) autonomy
C) integrity
D) justice

On Jul 31, 2024



According to your text,survivors of people who take their own lives have been called

A) pragmatists.
B) suicide's other victims.
C) emotionally stagnant.
D) None of these

On Jul 05, 2024



Identify the components and the connective in the following statement.Then put the statement into symbolic form, using appropriate letters to stand for the components.
I will drive her to her house or she will take a taxi.

On Jul 01, 2024

Components: I will drive her to her house; She will take a taxi.
Connective: or
Symbolization: D ⋁\bigvee T


Which brain region is important for detecting a discrepancy between the actual world and expectations about the world?

A) hippocampus
B) amygdala
C) anterior cingulate
D) right frontal lobe

On Jun 05, 2024



Please briefly discuss some of the supervisory considerations regarding the recovering supervisee.

On Jun 01, 2024

Some suggested that their addiction and recovery experiences allow them to quickly and accurately understand their clients, but there is no evidence linking recovery status (recovering or non-recovering) to addiction counselor effectiveness (White, 2000). However, Madson and Green (2012) argued that personal addiction and recovery experience can also be a detriment to effective counseling. Specifically, they argued that recovering clinicians might make assumptions that they understand the client and that these clients have similar addiction and recovery experiences. Consequently, these counselors could experience issues of countertransference and not accurately engage with the client. Furthermore, counselors in recovery may require support to maintain their recovery. This is because counselors in recovery could relapse. Thus, relapse is an issue that a supervisor would need to monitor (Culbreth & Borders, 1999). But it is critical to emphasize that an "impaired" counselor is not a concept limited only to addictions. Counselors are human beings who come to the profession with various personal issues of their own. Counselors can "relapse" with other issues, such as another episode of major depressive disorder. Just like with the supervisor working with the recovering counselor perhaps struggling with a potential relapse, the supervisor of the counselor slipping into another depressive episode needs to be supportive, honest, and vigilant in order to best serve the interests of the counselor and his or her client(s).


Which of the following does NOT make a passage of text easier to comprehend,according to research?

A) avoidance of syntactically anomalous words
B) less propositional complexity
C) a match between antecedent information and the "given" information
D) providing a relevant context after the passage has been read

On May 05, 2024



Which of the following examples is consistent with the norm of reciprocity?

A) James loans his friend some money because he knows his friend is struggling financially.
B) Monique thinks her boyfriend should drive her to work because that is what good boyfriends do.
C) Nick helps his friend move because he knows he himself will need to ask for help moving later in the semester.
D) Joan tries to guilt her parents into giving her money to buy a new car.

On May 02, 2024